Hi, just wondering is there anybody still up please ?? I need to talk to someone to distract my Anxitey so hopefully can go to sleep, just a thought I know it's late sorry xxx
Is anyone still up ?? Xx: Hi, just... - Mental Health Sup...
Is anyone still up ?? Xx

Lol awful because when awake bired that's all ya think of x
Yes your so right, I'm changing medication from one to another, just sleeping all day, so night time I'm usually relaxed with depression ( to be honest ) but tonight Iv had anxtiey that I'm trying so very hard to distract from but I'm struggling real hard, just wish doctors, Pyschatrist etc would understand and realise just how bad starting/reducing medication is. How are you, you having trouble sleeping or just a late nighter ??
A won't take the medication tbh. And can't sleep don't no how when got five kids and me youngest is ten weeks ha ha it's my anxiety it's ruining me sick of been dizzy and weak and going out through it what symptoms you have like all of them and what you feel like xx
You see straight away I feel so very guilty talking to you, when you have five kids on being a new baby, your life must be so very hard and ( honest ) it makes me feel ten times worse thinking of you and all you have to do ( I swear it really upsets me ) as I have no children (my own choice) always always had kids with me, I love them, they all take to me, even if o don't know them, but when I'm like this I can't handle seeing or being around them, I think it's because I can't be myself, I'm a complete different person when I get depression/ anxiety I'm normal a happy joking person that looks very CONFIRDENT ( even though I'm not ) but when I'm like this I isolate myself no interest in anything, can't shop not even for clothers I'm desperate for, usually doesn't bother me in the slightest, I hate Christmas and dread it every year, now (honest ) I can't put in to words how much I'm stuggling to cope with the build up to it, I can't get out of bed of a morning never mind all the Christmas shopping, I also do all my parents axmas shopping, now how bad do I sound next to you having 5kids and a house to run, I feel like crying how sad I am and can't cope xx
Yes mate I'm still awake at this un godly hour
Yes mate I'm still awake
Aw bless ya ye I don't go in shops no way a possibly can't got a good partner who dies everything for me. And why can't you get out of bed?. And ye I have five boys very hard work but worth it love them to bits be lost without them I just got to cope or I'd be in a nut house I get depressed because I'm sick of feeling the way I do. My anxiety is bad it's not fair xx
How you?
Hi Sandra. We are in Benidorm now and just saw your post. Please try and hang in there as you will start feeling better soon. We are in sunny Benidorm n I feel lot better only the dizziness now. It will clear try Mindvfulness on Utube it's free n calms you down love Lin x
Have a lovely time Lynn wish I was with you, sorry to sound so silly but I don't really understand mindfulness, but yes thanks il have a look tommorow, you have a lovely time, were about are you, I went last year and was at the very top of the hill you couldn't go any heighter or further to the left, I mean at the top xx