Hello, my name is Alice and I have been suffering with depression for a few years, and I'm desperate for it to go.
Hi : Hello, my name is Alice and I have... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi Alice nice to meet you. How can we help? x

Hey, I need someone to talk to as I think that might help with my depression
Hi Alice and welcome .
Sometimes this Forum is quiet and you might not get
A reply immediately, it's not like a Chat Room where there are
People online all the time. So don't hold your breath .lol
It would help us if you gave us a bit of info.or background.
I don't know when my depression started, but it could be from when I was bullied at home by my brothers as well as being bullied at school, I must have been 8/9 at the time, and I remember attempting suicide. Really from then on I've been depressed. I was in an abusive relationship for over a year, and then still abused for the following year after that by the same person over three years ago. I have also been bullied by someone since three years ago (the same time I was in an abusive relationship). None of my friends at the time understood and would threaten to never talk to me again if they found out I was still self harming. My depression started to get worse, before I was able to live with it as I didn't really notice it that much, but this past year has been awful and my depression is worse than it was last year. I just don't know what to do anymore. I had gone a year without remembering things from the abusive relationship, but this past year things have triggered memories therefore causing me to be more depressed.
Welcome along if you feel like talking about what makes you feel depressed everyone here shares there experiences and gives you information where you can get help