Depression - 1
I am 14 and I have depression and haven't told my mam..I am staying strong for my family's sake only Me and my boyfriend no I just need ah friend anyone?
Depression - 1
I am 14 and I have depression and haven't told my mam..I am staying strong for my family's sake only Me and my boyfriend no I just need ah friend anyone?
Hi, welcome to the group. I have no medical training but I would suggest you talk toa medical person. Then talk to your parents. Is your relationship good with them.
You arent alone here. We are to support each other.
Keep in touch.
You're 14 and you're depressed? Depression is a big word girl, make sure you know where you are using it.. Im not saying that ur faking depression.. But maybe you just need to enjoy your life more before getting your parents worried about your depression.. Besides, you didnt say why u feel ur depressed.. Try to be more outgoing, have more thrills, do things that you enjoy, and surround yourself with positive vibes.. They sure help.. Ur growing up, maybe it's just the hormones.. because of the restlessness and the rebellious streak.. Good luck
It's sad that you are depressed at such a young age - you do not say whether you have been depressed for some time or whether it is a new feeling for you, but whatever your circumstances you need to be able to share your feelings with someone. You say you need a friend - many of us on the site have become good supportive friends for one another and we will support you all we can. In order that we can understand the kind of support you need do you feel able to tell us more about how you are feeling and whether you have any ideas about what has left you with those feelings?
Meanwhile I hope you are coping with how you are feeling. You say you don't want to tell your mam but want to stay strong for her sake, perhaps there are specific reasons you can tell us about?
Thanks sue , I have had it about a year now and I have just getting the guts to just say... Just don't want people to treat me different
Hi UNknown_nichole,
A lot of us on this site (me included) have or have had depression, so you're in the right place.
I'm a mom of 2 in their early 20's and I was a teacher for a while, so I can tell you that ages 12-15 or so are when you are most self-conscious, most worried about what people think about you, and most easily embarrassed. It's different for different people, but after 15 it's less painful, and starting around 17 or 18, some people just don't care anymore what others think about them. So you're smack in the middle of this painful time in life, which makes asking for help twice as hard.
There are some ways to think about it that can make asking for help easier:
1. Depression is painful - we both know it. Is your mom the type of person who would want you to suffer? If she knew, would she want to help you? It's not right to take the decision to help away from her. And it's especially not fair if she would make a different decision than you have made. By not telling her, you're treating her like she's a mean person who won't help you, which is completely unfair.
2. I'm almost sure that your depression has made you act a little differently than others, and that they have noticed. They maybe don't know it's depression, they just know it's different. If you get help and your depression gets better, your symptoms will be less, and you will feel better and act more like everybody else.
3. You don't need to tell anyone but your doctor that you have depression - it's PRIVATE! If you get medication, no one has to see you take it - mine was always at breakfast or at bedtime. If you get counseling, it will be PRIVATE - your friends won't be there, and you don't have to tell them where you're going. If anyone starts hassling you and asking where you were, etc., you have MY permission to lie about it. ("I'm taking harp lessons". Or singing lessons. Or helping an old lady get her tea while her caregiver takes an afternoon off. Visiting my bedridden aunt. Babysitting.)
Good luck, and I hope you get treatment soon. None of us on this site want to see you suffering any more.
Thanks for that I no everyone is here to help me and I am here to help everyone else as well
I have told my mam know because your right she should no.
She was abit shocked at first but she give me ah hug and told me everything is going to be okay...
Well guy!! EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE OKAY!!! You have my word for it
Hi there! Cheer up.. You're so young. Don't over-think over simple things. Live your life to the fullest! You cant have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday...