This is the most irrational thing I have experienced and it's hard to tell people because nobody understands.
Unwanted thoughts from specific past events during my school days seem to have crept up on me this evening.
Basically there was one particular person in the year above me at school who bullied me in very subtle ways i.e. enough to intimidate me but not enough for it to be reported. I think it started because someone had told him I was a 'cry baby' probably as my signs of social anxiety gave the impression I was a sensitive and vulnerable child which is not good for a bully to know. The worst thing about this case was the fact I seemed to be the only person he picked on, and everyone else liked him which really hurt me as I felt that if I turned to anyone, they would just deny that he would ever be a bully - as previously mentioned, the bullying was very subtle and he was nice to everyone else. He even seemed popular and was your typical good looking slim bad boy whilst I was the fat ginger loser of the school struggling to make friends (or that's how I feel).
I have been bullied many times whilst in school, but this is the specific event which seems to haunt me to this day and I'm unsure why. Is it because of the injustice? The fact he was good looking and popular and I was a loser and still am today with not many friends. I think it's particularly haunting me tonight because one of my facebook friends commented on his photo (therefore it comes up on my feed) and I ended up looking at his profile to see what he was up to. Basically I looked so I could get a brief impression of how much more successful he is than me and my fears were true. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others but he seems to have lots of photos of him on nights out with lots of friends and he's been with his girlfriend for a few years now. He may not be happy, but things look good for him. And there's me still feeling miserable letting my past haunt me and not being able to cope with the injustice.
Another really irrational thing is that this past even haunts me particularly around Christmas time. WHY? Nothing in particular happened during Christmas. I wasn't bullied specifically during Christmas time but I just seem to let this thought haunt me during Christmas and I have no idea why. Is it because I can imagine everyone else happy and celebrating Christmas whilst I continue with depression? I really don't know,
And now the worst part - I can't trust anyone. Because everyone liked him, I keep imagining that every potential girlfriend I meet and every friend I meet will not have a true liking towards me if they knew this bully as a person. I keep imagining horrible things like having a girlfriend rejecting me for the better looking more interesting bully (if she knew him). I am well aware these thoughts are irrational and strange. But they are truly haunting me and I don't know how to deal with them.