hi guys , I just wanted to say I am finding life very hard at the mo and I don't know where to turn , gp does nothing but say take your pills and come back in a month .. I tried the mind website and I am frustrated with the fact there is no help out there .. this loneliness is slowly killing me I am finding it harder and harder to look for a reason to live .. I am sad all the time and when I say sad I mean to my soul ,, I just don't know what to do anymore or who to turn to for help .. xx
I am finding this too hard - Mental Health Sup...
I am finding this too hard
I am sorry you are feeling so frustrated and low. I can identify with so much of what you write as I feel similarly at times. I tried the local Mind but instead of offering me a befriender they suggested I act as a befriender for someone else but although I thought it might be better than nothing all it did was made me feel burdened. I think loneliness is one of the most difficult things to cope with because humans are social animals and we are not meant to live alone - however irritating and frustrating people can be at times, having relationships is so much better than not and sometimes it is even really lovely!
I don't know what age group you are in or where you live, but wonder what kinds of things there are locally that you might join. I know joining anything seems impossible when you are feeling lonely but not doing so just makes things worse. There is little help available - not because no one cares, because they do, but because of the economic cuts there are few services available. Instead we have to find ways of helping ourselves to find what is out there - and there are things, it's a matter of seeking them out. If you tell me your age and locality and interests etc I will try to think what kinds of things you might do to alleviate your loneliness.
hi Sue I am 49 live in Newcastle north east uk .. I just don't know what to do anymore xx
Hello FallenAngel here's something you may want to look into:
movingforwardnewcastle.co.uk/ They offer support and activities to people with mental health issues. I got it from the following main link.
Hope this helps X
thank you x
Hi Hon.
Sorry to hear about this, you sound really desperate.
It's wrong for your doctor to disregard you like that. Maybe you can tell him something extreme like you are thinking of suicide? Even if you're not planning anything like that doctors tend to listen more when you tell them it is that serious.
Also, continuing to make appointments can help as you taking up the doctor's time...
Could you see another doctor?
Please don't say that you can't find a reason to live.
Everyone has a reason to live, Angel. It's just that not everyone knows it.
I wish I knew you better so I could tell you the good things about you.
Do you have friends? What do you enjoy spending your time doing?
Much love xx
hi there , I have told my gp I am suicidal and they say nothing .. I don't have any friends so I am very lonely and sad.
thanks for the reply x
I hate it when the GP hands me a prescription and says come back in a month. A month is an eternity when you've got so much you want to talk about. Luckily I have counselling every two weeks so I never have it wait too long to talk to someone. I think if the GP is not taking notice of you saying you feel suicidal, it might be time to start looking at seeing someone else? Thinking of you tonight x
Hi Fallen Angel, sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. My doctor is the same, I might as well have said to him 'I want to go shopping' instead of 'I want to kill myself'..
Have you asked him to refer you to a psychologist or some other kind of counselling?
I know it's not the answer to everything but it might help to be able to talk to someone..
In the meantime, remember you're not alone and we're here for you if you need to talk!
Luv, Holly Xx
Hi Angel,
You're doing so well Hun, you've got through the longest time...not too long to go now, twelve days and then you'll know and you can begin to restructure your life.
Thinking of you every day Hun.
I am really losing faith in my gps x