Is this depression? ! I am scared.... - Mental Health Sup...

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Is this depression? ! I am scared....

Sunshineinside profile image
11 Replies

I dont know anymore, I am not sure anymore.

GP is treating me as anxiety/depression, but I have a hard time to believe it. I am so so weak, can't even run a few stairs, I am so tired all the time. And I have very low appetite , only able to sleep 5 hours best at night..... and yes, I am depressed and sad everyday.

We have run a few tests and all comes back normal. I am waiting to see an endocrinologist.

I have no history of depression, and this only started May this year, only the physical symptoms first. I only became depressed later as I was so sad my health took such a downturn. I was all normal and fit just before all this happened.

Can depression make people so ill? I am so scared..... Would I get better? I am only 39.

Please give me some advice. Many thanks. Feel like in a deep dark hole. So want to be feel normal again.

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11 Replies
celtic2746 profile image

hi sunshine inside sorry to see your so down ,im afraid everyone suffers differently with depression i found i had bad headaches and stomach complaints ! a good support network can help a lot wither its friends or family dont try to suffer alone as if your needing help homes the best to start ! i hope you start feeling better soon take care david

Hello Sunshine

Welcome. Depression can make you ill, anxious and prevent you from sleeping, so you have the list, do you know what has caused all this sadness. You say that you are awaiting tests, is this caused by the depression or is it the worry of illness that is making you depressed. What also brought about the need for tests that came back all clear.

You say you are thirty nine years old, are you married with a young family, could there be a problem there.

Are you taking any form of medication or anything for your mood ?.

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Sunshineinside profile image
Sunshineinside in reply to

Thanks Bob. Yes I just started Sertraline on Monday, early days still...

Yes I have two kids and I felt so guilty not being able to do as much as I used for them.

in reply to Sunshineinside

Remember Sunshine

We all have needs that have to be met as does your family members.

You need to make time for yourself or you will become stale and of little use for anyone. We all need to be able to give ourselves time.

Your family seems to know when you are not top notch, When family goes to bed try and arrange some form of activity with your better half.

Try and arrange to go out about one night a week so you can get rest from the children because when you stay in with your Partner,? you will just relive those family feelings, that can stop you from relaxing.

Give your medication time to work, up to five weeks


Hi Sunshine (love your name). I am sorry you are feeling like this. Have you ever had a blood test for lack of vitamin B12? It is possible though not likely that you are deficient in this so it might be a good idea to ask your doctor.

Other than that it can take time to treat depression but most people do improve in time. Hold on to that. Bev x

Pettle1 profile image

Hi Sunshine, I have suffered from depression on and off for a number of years. As others have said, it affects people in different ways, I begin by feeling a little down which then snowballs to deep melancholy, feeling weepy, almost like wading through treacle just to function. I get susceptible to infection as depression affects your immune system too. Over the years I have learnt to react and seek help when I begin to feel down (my family are good at recognising the signs too!). I don't need anything in particular to start a period of depression off (it is after all a chemical imbalance in the brain!) it can be something as insignificant as the car breaking down following a bad day at work, things just feeling a bit out of my control.

When you say 'Can depression make people so ill?' I think it would help you to look at it a different way i.e. suffering from depression IS an illness, just like any physical illness that you can 'see'. The trick to coping with it then is to accept it as an illness like any other. If it was an infection I'd go to the GP for antibiotics and follow her advice. As it's depression I go to my GP and accept the treatment she gives me, usually a lowish dose antidepressant and support / counselling. She too, generally, offers me blood tests to rule out anything else.

I promise if you stick with treating your depression it does get better, but it takes a bit of time to work. I regard myself as a happy, optimistic person who occasionally gets ill with depression.

Again - stick with your treatment, open up to the people who really care about you and above all talk about how you are feeling. You are not alone, depression is a very common illness that is experienced by more people than you probably realise.

Take care


Sunshineinside profile image
Sunshineinside in reply to Pettle1

Thank you. Sounds like you have found ways to cope , that's great. I just hate the fact that I have no energy or motivation to do the changes I need, even cooking is a huge task now.

I am hoping the mess will make me better soon.

Pettle1 profile image
Pettle1 in reply to Sunshineinside

I do cope pretty well, but its always there. The medication takes time to work, I was told to expect to feel worse for a few weeks when I first took the medication before you begin to notice that it is working. That certainly happened with me, for the first 2 weeks I felt dreadful, dark thoughts, total despair - then gradually you realise that you feel brighter, you actually want to go out. If I hadn't been told to expect this, I'd have felt like you do now. Give it a good month and things do get better.

The other thing that really helped me was getting a rescue dog! he has done me more good than anything else. He gives me a reason to go out in the fresh air, exercise and meet people - all things that are good to manage and recover from depression. He is also really in tune with my moods too, if I feel down or upset I get his paw plonked on my lap and he will stay by me until I feel brighter, which is just normal dog behaviour looking after his 'pack'. I get total unconditional love from him whatever mood I am in. His appreciation of me just for being me is better than anything a human can give you, his reactions are genuine and non-judgemental, it really is one of the best 'therapies' I have found.

Hi Sunshineinside you got some good replies there. Is it possible to come back and let us know how you are please? x

Sunshineinside profile image
Sunshineinside in reply to

Sorry I was very low past few days. Yes thanks very much for your replies. My B12 was okay, but I am low on Vit D, am taking supplement.

Hi Sunshineinside thanks for letting us know. It's always nice to get a response from the poster so we know that they have seen the replies, and that they are ok.

It's good news that your vitamin B12 is ok but not so good on vitamin D. Apparently many people are low on that and the best source is to get as much daylight as you can. That's not always easy though is it?

How are you feeling now in yourself? Bev x

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