I have been suffering with depression for many years but struggled on as best and I could trying to hide it from everybody. But last year it got so bad I finally picked up the courage to seek medical help. I am now on anti-depressents which help up to a point. I was out of work and on Jobseekers Allowance but after a while I decided the pressure of seeking work was making me worse so I am now on ESA (emplyment support allowance)
Today I received a call from somebody connectred with the JCP who said I need to have ‘an assesment’, she offered to come to my house or I could go to the Jobcentre. The call threw me and I didn't know which would be best. You see as part of my illness I haven't been doing any housework/cleaning at all for years, my house is flithy and unkept, I do not have visitors at all -I am too embarrased.
Anyway, I am worried about this assesment because I keep reading how they decide that you are fit for work (the government wants to get as many off benefits as possible) and will stop my money. I am already getting into debt because my benefits do not cover my out goings (it is a choice of heat or eat on many occasions)
I don't look after myself either, I only wash and dress if I have to leave the house, which is normally for a visit to GP or hospital (recently had hand surgery too)
Sorry I am rambling on –again a symtom of my depression, I find it hard to concentrate or remember things! So I guess I am asking you kind people “What is the best way to handle this assesment? Are there things I should or shouldn’t say or do?” “What can I expect to happen?” I have said I will go to the local Jobcentre but part of me thinks they should see how I live because no fully functioning person would live like this!!
Any advice will be appreciated, thanks.