once again symptoms dismissed .told dr id lost some weight and when he weighed me said gained weight .so said cos stomach is more swollen not recognizing it spossible to lose weight in one area and gain in another.so depressed now.no support from PALS or Scottish version.my tops all ride up now cos stomach is so swollen /sick at lack of support from so called family and have no friends who understand-they are all involved in their own lives, and dont have time fro me .my dogs are th e only ones who are there for me.i cannot cope anymore.have showed him comments from people here and he says its American that don't apply.i told him people are a s british as me.
why wont he listen: once again symptoms... - Mental Health Sup...
why wont he listen

Why don't you pay for a private scan if you are able to? And for the record, I don't think there's anyone American uses this forum!
thank you for your response Lucy.i went to a private dr a year ago when my own gp refused to do a scan.they said "bloating"and arranged fro a scan which revealed gallstones.i would never have known otherwise and gp acted liek it him that discovered them. private drs can be mistaken the same as nhs?it sknown OC is mistaken for IBS.bowel condition.so not really an an option-cant finance one anyway.i know that and told my dr so too.
You can tell him I am a Scotsman living in England Anbuma ! my stomach bloats up just before an attack of "Diverticullar disease" and yes I lose weight as well! it took a scan to find out the problem and a sigmoidoscopy to confirm the damn problem do what I do now if my Dr does not listen tell him you want to speak to another Dr 9x out of 10 they start listening! I hope I have helped in my own little way and hope things work out for you! Derek
tahnk you i Derek for your kind words.if iti wasn't for my friends on here \I don't know where I would be.from the start he has said htings like "its your stomach" or "wear make up"(to mask discolouration around eyes.)which are unacceptable as donttell me anything .2 years on and it took a junior hospital dr to finally give me one answer -that one problem was the valve between oesophagus and stomach-causing pain etc. I have seen other doctors and raised some of the same issues and all they do is read my notes kept by my own gp so get nowhere.
If the same symptoms were diagnosed as gallstones last year, and they haven't been removed, I'm not sure why you now think it's something else? You say you've seen other doctors. Of course they will read the notes from your GP, because it's what they're supposed to do, but they still make their own informed decisions. Have you actually said to your GP 'I think I may have Ovarian Cancer'?
hi Lucy.gallbladder removed last august-but no follow up appointment with consultant.prior to finding out ahd no pain or anything in that area.i have been saying to my dr for the last couple of years+ that I believe it is OC cos there is no other reason fro abdominal weight gain.i don't have coeliac disease nor IBS.flatulence and one other ( out of the 5 causes of bloating) so that only leaves OC as an option.teh fact taht CA 125 is elevated tho only borderline (from 52 down to 37) it is still above range.i have showed him posts from HU and other sites and magazine articles related to OC,cysts and thryoidism and he dismisses them .I showed him these articles etc because I can relate to every one of the symptoms/stories.taht includes real life stories of OC being mistaken fro a bowel condition.
Could it be pre menstual???Change doctors love, until your happy with someone who really listens. People have become very selfish in their own lives. Yes things have changed. Depression one, makes you isolated. And people do find it difficult to relate to someone suffering so.
Also maybe your meds need changing. or upping on the dose.
Do things that make you happy, and sod the rest.
am post menopausal.
How much does a scan cost?
Is it just a n ultrasound