Utter Disappointment in myself. - Mental Health Sup...

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Utter Disappointment in myself.

crazycara profile image
23 Replies

So today was the second attempt of the 5:2 diet. It failed ... again...

I know it's hard and you shouldn't be too hard on yourself for the first couple of weeks, until you really get into the swing of things. But it's not that I was even hungry. I was boredom eating.

And I hate it with a passion, yet can't stop myself. Lately it's gotten a lot worse it could be a number of reasons:

1. Period.

2. New tablets = new eating habits/ increased appetite

3. I'm just a fat pig

Because of these reasons or one reason, my weight has now bloomed to 11 stone, the heaviest I've ever been! I weighted myself just before I came back to university and was 10.11 now I'm 11 in the space of 4 days! It's just killing me, making my depression worse and not helping my self esteem. I'm gonna try again, because I know I can do it, and I really want the health benefits from this 'diet' I just don't know how to tackle the boredom hunger.

Plus the more upset about it I get the more I eat... I'm definitely a comfort food kind of gal. Which is annoying because I never used to be like that. When I was sad I never ate now it's the complete opposite! I don't know why! Or even when this changed!

General mood tonight is low, very low. And I'm trying to not be low and say tomorrow is another day but I know if I continue to be this low I won't go to University and the cycle will start again. The cycle I promised to break.

Looks like that's not even happening. Oh look, here come the tears per usual.

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crazycara profile image
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23 Replies
Photogeek profile image

CC I am really sorry that you feel so bad. Dieting is hard for anyone and

If you are on Meds and suffer from Depression it makes you a hundred times

Worse. Please please don't beat yourself up , start again tomorrow.

Maybe it would be better to try little less strict diet. Keep some healthy

Snacks ready such as fruit or nuts or melon and a bit of cheese. So then if

You snack it's healthy.

Big hug and please don't be too hard on yourself. Tomorrow is another day.


Hannah xx

crazycara profile image
crazycara in reply to Photogeek

Hi Hannah, I will definitely try again but not until Wednesday or Thursday. I know it's more difficult when you are depressed and that is what is getting me down. Guess I'll just have to keep trying. x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to crazycara

Hi C C I think giving yourself a break is a good strategy. It's

Very hard to eat well when you feel down , and sometimes just

Taking that pressure off yourself and just getting into a reasonably

Structured eating plan.

Breakfast .Lunch .Supper and maybe snacks of fruit or yogurt or nuts

And one treat. Then I think it might be easier. January would

depress anyone.


Hannah x

Adorable1 profile image


I'm sorry you feel low tonight it's really not nice. I can see totally what you mean about the vicious circle thing and the comfort eating too. Sometimes I think the more we think about dieting the more we eat as we are thinking food :) it's hard. Most people find it difficult to diet you are no exception.

I've decided to eat healthy and exercise to help me, like you, I don't need to lose a lot of weight, but I would be more comfortable with me if I lost some. I don't like exercise and hate the gym, so what I'm going to do is after a kind of healthy evening meal, go for a walk, sometimes I think it's because we comfort eat and stay comfortable sitting down....I've had some days were I couldn't face even getting dressed , let alone walk, but I'm going to give it a try, I think if you do a little walking it kinda makes you feel healthy. I'm aware though what works for one isn't what is suitable to another.

I can remember doing this a long time ago, and that walk made me want to be healthy and eat healthy. I guess the first few times I do this I will have to wrench myself from the couch :) but I do feel a determination.

I believe it is true that if we do a little exercise it can help, although I can also remember in the past many days/weeks when even to put the kettle on felt like a major trauma...

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself...easier said than done I know...be kind to yourself.

I hope you feel better soon. This forum is a lovely place to come with lovely people, and someone always seems to understand just what you are experiencing.

Do let us know how you get on..

Sue x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Adorable1

Sue I am the same if I get out for a walk it seems I eat better , I was the same some days I could not get out of bed and having a shower was

A major thing. It's hard but hopefully we will help CCara . It's awful

Feeling that pressure we putt on ourselves, to diet and be everything to everyone.


Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Photogeek

Hi Hannah,

Yes, someone suggested walking to me and I never really thought it would work, but if you can get yourself out off the couch it really does work, somehow you go into this mode of wanting and enjoying the health thing....

I'm not sure what rathe diet is that CC is on but some of them put too much pressure on I think. I reckon you can eat most things, in not too large portions, as long as you exercise and eat some fruit and veg....it's probably more about having just your 3 meals a day in sensible portions and perhaps a walk....it works I did do it....

I'm lucky were I live, I can walk to a certain part of the village and back, and it's an ok walk, well lit if it's dark and safe.....not the case for some I suspect, but I've just planned my walks in my head for when I'm back home.....it's amazing how you feel when you start doing this too....

Will let ya know how I get on :) xxxxx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Adorable1

Sue you are great , your an inspiration.Is it two daughters you have?

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Photogeek

Yes two daughters, I'm very lucky they are lovely girls....and very caring... :) xx

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Photogeek

Don't feel like an inspiration ,but thank you :) it's just lovely to understand how someone feels and be able to empathise isn't it...and even more lovely to be able to perhaps help by letting them know they are not alone ....CC is not alone in this.....both you and I understand and I'm guessing lots more :) xxxxxxxxxx

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Photogeek

Oh and yes agree, the pressure we put on ourselves is awful....dieting is not easy it bloody hard...but if we can try looking at it as a healthy eating and a little walking thing , and get into a bit of a routine, it don't feel as bad .....good luck to us all hey....

Plus a little structure is good for us when we suffer with anxiety/depression.....


crazycara profile image
crazycara in reply to Adorable1

I might have to try going for a walk during the evening. I'm a bit unlucky being in the city there isn't really anywhere to walk too, but I might ask my housemate if he wants to go for a walk. As he started that during the summer and really enjoyed it, otherwise I don't think I could face it alone. x

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to crazycara

Be great if your house mate would go too...yes understand walking alone isn't for everyone...but walking did it for me...it takes a little time to get into a routine but if you can do it, it certainly helps in lots of ways...good luck, let us know how you get on...

Sue xx

CC, rather than dieting I suggest you aim for weight stability while you address the emotional eating.

There are a couple of very useful tools in the battle against emotional eating.

First step is to work out your chain reactions, I.e. What is triggering the eating, so keeping a food/mood diary helps. The second one is more subtle but even more powerful. Most people eat in the evening after a day of being "good", and it is triggered by either boredom or just plain hunger.

So make sure you have 60% of your weight neutral calories before your evening meal (25%) and save 15% of them as a permitted snack you plate up immediately after that meal and have ready so you can avoid opening cupboards and the fridge. Then at 9pm when the munchies hit, you can eat that.

I also say TV does not engage brain but induces boredom eating so start knitting/crocheting/studying your ECDL - anything to fill time!

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Hi Helen that advice is so sensible. I'm sure it will help CC . I agree

TV is very passive.

Hannah x

crazycara profile image
crazycara in reply to

I keep trying to watch my calories and make sure I'm eating a normal daily amount of 1,700 roughly for my age, height and weight. I'll have to stock up on healthy munchies but I find when I do it just goes to waste because I don't eat it, and feel I have to force myself too. x

in reply to crazycara

CC, unless you are 70 years old, 5 feet and 8 stone, your weight neutral calories are more than that. I suspect that is your basal rate and you need to multiply by around 1.4 to get calories for an inactive adult (2,400)

It depends what you mean by healthy munchies - I differentiate snacks from treats by saying "yoghurt, milk, fruit, bread and cereals" are snacks and should be the bulk of inbetweens. Treats are things to share with others or when out

jules2105 profile image


I know exactly how you feel, my weight went up to 11 stone earlier this year and it made me feel so down. I put on weight due to my medication and despite trying every diet including 5:2 just couldn't shift any in fact I put on weight! I went to see my gp and she put me on orlastat and I have joined the gym and am now doing ww. I have lost 8 pounds so far, doesn't sound lije much much has started making a difference. I have another 7 pounds to go until I have lost 10% of my bodyweight and am determined to do it. I had so many bad things happen in 2013 and the doctor pointed out that the only thing I cam control is my weight, so I'm focusing on sorting that out.

I found the 5:2 diet ok once i'd got my head around what to eat on fast days, I also made meal plans for the week to make sure I didn't overeat on the non fast days.

not sure if this will help but wanted to let you know your not alone, I would suggest you goto see your gp to let them know how you are feeling about your weight and if they can provide you any support

Jules x

crazycara profile image
crazycara in reply to jules2105

Wow 8 pounds is good! I definitely need and want to lose weight, and I feel like I try but it's never good enough because of comfort eating and little exercise - I just never have any energy and am always tired. I'm gonna try and start some classes next week with my friend. Everytime I go to the doctor and complain they just say you dont look bad, and thats it. They just tell me to exercise more and nothing else, no other support. Its very heartbreaking tbh, I feel like I need to be obese to get any attention when it comes to my weight =[ x


Sometimes the medications we take are a problem and assist in weight gain, Have words with your GP and ask regards weight. and medication

Would imagine comfort eating can be also a problem People with mental health issues have this problem, you are not alone


crazycara profile image
crazycara in reply to

Heya Bob, everytime I ask they just tell me I'm fine, to watch what I eat and go to the gym. If only it was that easy! They have no clue, and never help when it comes to my weight or my depression I don't know what else to say to them tbh other then breakdown and cry in front of them, then they might take notice. x

gardengnome profile image

Hi my brother has been following the 5:2 plan for a few months, it does seem to be one that is quite severe at the start, then there is a maintenance phase which is easier. I think he does well with it because he believes in the science behind it quite strongly. There are dozens of different approaches, and there may be one that appeals to you more. I got a basic nutrition book a couple of years ago, when my weight was bugging me. Nutrition for life by lisa hark and darwin deen, they have a down to earth overview of the science behind foods, is easy to read, has a section comparing most of the diet regimes. Like I say, do some research so that you understand the science, and aren;'t just cooking a particular dish because it is a ''diet'' magazine.

The new year in some ways is a good time to start a diet, as so many other people are trying to get healthier, and it can be really motivating just try not to get dragged down when other people give up. Please please don't label yourself as a failure for having a difficult beginning, as long as you generally go in the right direction you will get there, we all have blips

crazycara profile image
crazycara in reply to gardengnome

I might have to buy a nutrition book for myself for the days that I'm not 'fasting', I just hope I can start and do it successfully instead of failing again x

crazycara profile image

Hiya Bev, yes that is exactly the diet I am on! the 5:2 but because I'm small my calories are only 400 roughly, I just found it extremely difficult due to my comfort eating =[ everything is just getting me down I think. x

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