Today was the 82nd anniversary of my father's birth.
Last year it was the day I came out of hospital after breaking my ankle so didn't really get to mark it.
This year was much better - managed to get a frozen black forest gateau on my way home from work on Thursday - it defrosted a little in the fridge overnight but was then put in the microwave - not turned on but needed to be somewhere away from curious/voracious cats - and it defrosted gently at room temperature. My boyfriend came over at lunch time so was able to have a slice with him and we watched most of Dispicable Me2 - which I think my dad enjoyed. After that it was back to work for a few hours (and more or less managed to get everything I wanted done today) before heading out at 1800 to meet up with friends for a meal followed by the Hobbit ... which dad also enjoyed but can't help feeling that it's really a trilogy that you need to see as a whole but that won't be possible for a while. It's a book dad read to us when we were children - he loved Tolkein so his idea of bed-time reading involved a lot of Tolkein - not that I really remember much of it. He used to make up tunes to go with the songs and sing them to us ... and I'm sure he had to reread a lot of passages as we had fallen asleep long before he'd realised we were asleep
Anyway, was a good day.
He always said he was born on Friday 13th - don't know if that works out