Hi, i had meningococcal meningitis when i was 18 (nearly 5 yrs ago) and I was in intensive care, a coma, and had a 6 month outpatient period afterwards.
Side effects at the time after the disease included migraines and generally being very weak, sick, confused and my attention waned easily.
The headaches stayed with me for a long time and i also had a mild bout of pneumococcal meningitis too about 8 months later.
I have since suffered with depression and anxiety issues as well as being easily irritable and stressed/unhappy/short tempered which I have always tried to ignore but they've become worse and very visible to my family/girlfriend.
So far the doctors have only recommended speaking therapy (cognitive behavioural) and a mention of anti depressants.
I know that meningococcal meningitis affects the brain and its chemistry - could my depression by a side effect of the meningitis? My parents said my emotions and behaviour changed whilst I had meningitis and have since stayed that way (i never had any previous bouts of depression etc prior to the meningitis).
i'm getting booked back in at doctors but don't really want to resort to anti depressants for fear of their side effects or dependance.
The CBT hasnt worked thus far for me, and i know it is starting to get worse and affecting my relationship and the more i worry about it, the worse it gets. As opposed to CBT i guess i'd rather see a psychologist or so - someone i can talk to and not get exercises/tasks from. As much as i try the CBT exercises i cannot get onboard with them and aren't convinced theyre helping. Can i just ask my doctor for this treatment?
Can anyone add any advice?