Work, Run, Eat, Bed...Work, Run, Eat,... - Mental Health Sup...

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Work, Run, Eat, Bed...Work, Run, Eat, Bed...Work, Run, Eat, Bed...

Lush__x profile image
13 Replies

My body is tired, my body aches, my head is tired....and it also aches...

Im on week 5 of the couch to 5k plan! Today i did 2 lots of 8 min runs with a 5 min walk inbetween. i have never ever run for that long in one go and never thought i would...its amazing how you CAN build your fitness up!

I also went the gym with my body builder friend last night and we did chest and arms...i cannot move my upper body today.

Work is very stressful for me...feel like i was in a cave and its slowly been filled with rocks until i was bured in them completly. I am so overwhelmed with the work load, i cannot get even near finished with anything and im scared im going to miss something important (and in my line of work if you miss something....its BAD, for you and the company and the environment).

Tired now...bath time and bed.

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13 Replies
Gambit62 profile image

Sorry about work.

I find that if I run for more than 10 minutes then I've got into a rhythm and I don't want to stop - I don't sprint - just a gentle jog.

I remember going ice-skating about 30 years ago and for days afterwards my arms ached from clinging on to the side of the rink :) Tried again about 2 years ago - my niece really loves it - but just can't get the hang of falling in the right way - my instinct is always to lean back rather than forward so I always land on the derriere - fortunately it is well padded! :)

Really sorry to hear about work - sounds awful. I find things quite overwhelming at times - one of my reports has back problems at the moment and recently we were having a one to one and she said that she'd been quite worried about having to take frequent breaks - to lie down or go for a walk - and had thought that it would make her less productive but in fact it hadn't done that because she found she was more productive for taking the breaks.

Lush__x profile image
Lush__x in reply to Gambit62

I quite agree, i was trying a new interval app out on my phone on my rest day so went back to the run for a min and walk for 90 seconds and it was so annoying!!...i like the rhythm of being in a run now rather than all the stopping and suppose to be doing a 20 min run tomorrow in one go! :O ive suprised myself so far with being able to do all my runs but i dont no about 20 mins...we shall see!

ice skating just takes practice...i used to roller blade alot so fairly good at it but as adults we just become less balanced at stuff like that which is a shame.

last time i went i fell, did a james bond type roll and then got up and carried on skating all in one go! least i fell in style haha.

Work wasnt as bad today, got through some work a bit quicker but my manager does no shes given me too much and shes just said to do my best.

I dont even take breaks anymore...i have dinner but because i drink so much water im up and down going the toilet so feel like i cant take a break. My manager used to pick on me a bit last time i was there so i have to be careful what i do and dont want to look like im taking the mick.

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Lush__x

Glad work was better but it is a bit disappointing to hear that you don't feel you can take breaks ... they are really important, particularly when you are having to concentrate - don't know if your job is one that requires concentration and repetition because if it does then I would say that breaks are actually essential and will improve rather than hamper your efficiency.

By law you are entitled to a 30 minute break if you work for more than 6 hours regardless of toilet breaks and your manager should really be ensuring that you take that.

I'd probably need to spend a week trying to ice-skate for it to actually come - and I suspect there are a lot of other things that would distract me before I could do that - not least being the nearest rink is 15 miles away and I'm not sure what time the public sessions are.

The James Bond role sounds good - bet there are a few youngsters who would be envious!

Sure you will manage the 20 min run tomorrow - I know it sounds daunting but it will probably fly past and you will feel such a sense of achievement.

Lush__x profile image
Lush__x in reply to Gambit62

Yes it is, it requires the upmost concentration, sometimes i find myself staring at the screen or ive gone through a bunch of charts but not actually got anything from them (im an analyst)...then i usually get up and go get water or something.

..and its very repetitive!

I do have my dinner for 30 mins as i cant go more than 3 hours without eating its just the min breaks in between we have that i generally dont take.

...i will maybe eat my mid morning and mid afternoon meals away from my desk rather than continuing to do work while i eat.

Thank you for that :) ....i will sure try my best!! thats all i can do....will be doing it in the gym now as my body builder friend wants me to keep him company. Looking forward to it :)

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Lush__x

Glad to hear that you are planning to take meal breaks away from desk - know how hard it is to do that ie need to listen to my own advice as well!

fadedlizard profile image
fadedlizard in reply to Gambit62

That made me laugh - the one and only time I went ice skating I nearly dislocated my shoulder clinging onto the side!!! Definitely not for me!!!

Lush__x profile image
Lush__x in reply to fadedlizard

haha im sure it made a few people laugh at the time friends sure found it funny!

Ooooo that sounds rough! wouldnt of even been able to say you got injured in a spectacular fall or something like that! haha

why do we do these things to ourselves?

ThemysciraDrive profile image

Can't move your upper body is good...I find it psychologically weird that to tone up your muscles you have to push them to the point where they're technically dying. Not that it stops me! I actually quite like the's kind of a good pain, or a constructive pain...

Sorry about the job. You have a manager you can talk to and get your workload reduced? If its overwhelming it's probably better to be up front about it rather than keep stressing yourself out over it. Yr job isn't worth yr sanity :)

Lush__x profile image
Lush__x in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Oh I know I know its just annoying when its a physical challenge to remove and put on ones bra!! haha.

I know what you mean though i do like the ache of a good gym session the next day. I can feel every muscle ive used in that work out and its more than ive done before!

she knows, i told her but she already new. i just want to prove myself i guess and be the best i can be. plus i dont want to screw up!! :(

ThemysciraDrive profile image
ThemysciraDrive in reply to Lush__x

Oh there are so many things I could say to that thought!!! Almost can't resist but I shall content myself with saying in my defence I don't really have that problem :)

I get what you mean...but if you overdo it you won't be yr best, you'll be stressed and ill :( if yr manager doesn't do anything could you go over her head if it gets too much? I know that can be awkward though.

Lush__x profile image
Lush__x in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Haha well please feel free to share any thought you sure we could all do with a giggle. I told my body builder friend who i went with and his reply was "just dont wear a bra" haha!

If she starts to pick on me again I will go over her head, or speak to one of the other managers. But ill see how things go for now :)

ThemysciraDrive profile image
ThemysciraDrive in reply to Lush__x

Great minds think alike - that was my first thought as well! Closely followed by "well, if you need a hand I'm quite well versed ;)"!!

Sorry, I'm awful - my brain just skips to the funny response to pretty much anything.

Hope the work stuff sorts itself out. Horrible when yr job is stressful.

Lush__x profile image
Lush__x in reply to ThemysciraDrive

hahahaha now thats cheeky!! =p

Dont apologise im the exact same way, i have to often hold my tongue, some people dont appreciate crude humour do they lol.

Funny is good though :)

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