Thought I'd say hello,first time I've ever joined a group like this,I've had depression now for 13 years and have had many different treatments and pills and positions,along with serve depression I've also got terrible anxiety issues and did have issues with food,I used to self harm,get real angry and smash my room up and my mums house,I would say the anger has got a lot better and I can handle that,I know longer self harm.I just hope one day I won't have to take AD anymore as I feel it's like you rely on them to be "ok"
Hello: Thought I'd say hello,first time... - Mental Health Sup...
Hi KAE-19 Hi and nice to meet you. I am on ad's and I probably do rely on them too much but as far as I'm concerned that's better than the alternative. I hope one day you will be free of them. You sound a very positive and strong person. I am very impressed that you have learned to manage your anger and that you no longer self harm. You sound quite a long way down the road to recovery and I am sure with your positive attitude you will get a lot better yet. Come in here anytime - we all have depression and many have anxiety too. It's not usually as quiet as this and I am sure others will be along soon, One of the best things about this site is that we all understand and support and help each other. You can also let off steam here and have a responsive audience.
Hope to see you again. There are a lot of great people here,
Bev x
Thank you for the reply bev,in all the years I've suffered I've never thought to even look for groups such as this,I've been given books to read,websites to go on but never support groups were you can talk through the progress's people have made or a bad day.I feel as though I'm a long way down the road but also feel that lately things are just getting to much again,I wish I could brush things off and not worry but I can't sleep at night,I just can't seem to switch off.I also wish I could better myself but I can't get past the anxiety,hate talking to strangers,could never speak publicly,I can't even ring companies up as I hate doing it!i wish there was a pill to change all of that.thanks for the reply x
Hi kae
Your answer to bev sounds just like me. I worry such a lot and hate telephoning companies, or especially people to do with benefits and the like.
It's great on the site here, people are very nice.
Look forward to chatting some more in the future.
Sue xx
Hi Kae and welcome here. You sound to me like you have learned a
Lot and made great strides. Please try and not beat yourself up about
Being on Anti D,s , it's not a case of relying on them. If a Diabetic has to take Insulin
They just take it and don't have any issues with it .Accept yourself and
Don't berate yourself and you will feel better. This is a good spot to talk
Over any worries or questions you have.
I would much rather take ADs than be in the very dark place that I was. I still have had anxiety but have had a very bad last 18 months which i think led to that over stress. But am much better now and hope to stay so and will take ADs forever if i have to. Julie xx
This is a brilliant site to and has helped me so much. Everyone on here knows how you feel and are a great support. xx
They have defiantly helped me and still do,but lately everything is just getting on top of me money worries are keeping me up all night,and is getting me down and constantly anxious,just wish I could not worry :0( xx