Hi all,
I have been feeling persistently low for at least two months now, and I think this is because I am unsure about what occupation to take up, being hindered by a lack of confidence as well as my recent history of psychosis and schizophrenia. I know that no one can really help me with this issue, and that I will have to try and take up some voluntary work to perhaps enhance my experience and boost my cv. I feel slightly trapped because I am stuck in a master's degree programme that I am not doing well in and the pressure is too much for me. So I am feeling incredibly low and bogged down by pressures that I cant control. My family keeps telling me to "pull yourself together", and I have exhausted myself trying to do just that.
I just want to know how to respond to my family when they persist in pressuring me into fake smiles. How do you respond? What sorts of things can you say?