I should be happy I have a kind lovin... - Mental Health Sup...
I should be happy I have a kind loving husband a good job and a nice house, so why do i feel suicidal?
Hi Blackdog. I ask myself the same thing every day, sorry I can't give you any good advise except you are not alone. Take care x
I replied on your blog x
Thank you xx
Hi Blackdog, I don't know why your are not happy, But something is missing in your life.
[Note from admin: It's not safe to put personal telephone numbers in an open online environment and please be careful with people you don't know. If you walked up to a stranger in the street would you hand them your phone number? Please think about your safety online. Thanks Catherine x]
Sweetheart, just because we seem to have a perfect life unfortunately doesn't mean we are immune to depression and it's attendant problems. I hope you are not beating yourself up over this as it won't help, believe me. Depression is an illness, just as real an illness as measles or the flu. And you don't condemn yourself for getting flu!
Have you talked to your GP over this? On any medications?
I don't have any advice for you beyond saying ask for support, talk to your GP as openly and as honestly as you can and remember that even though things may look black at the moment, they can improve. I have been where you are but it's getting better. Just take life five minutes at a time, focus on that not tomorrow
Gentlest of hugs
It's ok if you don't like it, I don't see it as Advertisement. I proven that horses can help people with different problems they have. The only thing I'm out there to help people in need. Horses mirror everything you feel and show you what is missing and how you can change something so that you are happy with your life
It isn't possible for anyone to know why you are not happy despite having things you feel you should be happy with, butit seems you feel there is something missing in your life.
Perhaps it will help to talk through with someone about why you feel like that. Your Gp can refer you for counselling or therapy if you think it will help.
Perhaps because you have depression.