Hi All,
Really sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong area but I'm having a recurring issue with my eye, and both specsavers and my GP are not helping at all.
For the past couple years, every now and then I get small white lines on the inner eye around my iris but not a full circle, only tiny white lines. The veins seem to connect and my eyes experience symptoms such as burning, light sensitivity etc.
When this occurs, I wake up and my eyes feel dry, I struggle to keep them open feels as though I am still tired and I can't stare at my monitors at work.
The GP/Specsavers gave me some things to try, such as a dry eye heat mask 3 times a day, strong lubricating eye drops and I wear glasses specifically to reduce light glare, my vision is no issue.
These solutions haven't helped, and I've gone back multiple times with no resolve and it seems they ignore that I am getting these deposits appear in my eyes. I'm going to attach a picture of my left eye, currently each eye has them but usually it's one or the other and not always both that are affected.
Any help will be so appreciated, you have no idea.. its driving my mood down so much lately and I honestly feel helpless.