Hi - this is my first post on Men's Health Forum (although I have posted on other HUL forums about other health matters that effect me). I have had symptoms of prostate enlargement for years and recently was checked out again, including having an MRI scan. The Urologist has confirmed that my prostate enlargement is benign with a volume of 105 cc (so fairly large). The recommendation is that I try an alpha blocker and then add a 5-ARI. Having looked at the possible side effects profile of the various options I agreed with my GP to try Alfuzosin first (the once a day option) and I have been doing so for 5 days so far (in the evening).
The trouble is that is has given me dreadful cold like symptoms, in particular a blocked nose, and I am having trouble sleeping. I am thinking initially of taking it in the morning instead, but if that doesn't help with sleeping then I may have to stop taking it before getting any beneficial effects (I haven't noticed any so far). I will try and speak to my GP first, or at least as soon as possible of course, to see what he thinks and whether it is worth trying a different Alphablocker such as Tamsulosin (although I see that can also give nasal symptoms).
Is there anyone who has had a similar experience? I would be interested if you persevered and if the blocked nose symptoms improved and went away (and after how long?). Also if you stopped taking Alfuzsosin how long did it take for the side effect symptoms to go away? Thank you.