i attracted to my sister ,is that normal
I have desire to sex with my sister - Men's Health Forum
I have desire to sex with my sister

I do not know your actual circumstances but you mind find this article helpful:
Who we are attracted to is quite primitive. I'm sure many of us have been surprised at what passes through our minds sexually, especially in adolescence when hormones are firing strongly. What matters most is your decisions and your actions. We can direct our fantasies towards healthy or unhealthy ideas, so make sure you don't let these go in the wrong direction. You probably should distract yourself and concentrate on other legitimate objects of desire, both sexual and pleasurable in other ways. The test I suggest is: would you feel comfortable telling your most decent, best friend what you're imagining doing with someone. If you predict that you'd feel shame or embarassment, maybe it's the 'wrong' fantasy. Fantasies can be said to be harmless, and most are not shameful, but if shameful ones develop into plans, they can then be acted upon, and this could cause great harm. When I worked with sex offenders we concentrated a lot on them learning to divert their fantasies in a legitimate direction rather than indulging in runaway unhealthy ideas and plans. Well done for revealing this in the safety of anonymity, but take care not to allow yourself to go down the wrong road in thought, fantasy or action.
This is a good answer to a very ill defined question.
Who we are attracted to is sometimes outside our control whether an inappropriate relative or colleague. What we should consider as well as how we refocus is the harm we can do to another and to ourself by dwelling inappropriately or by acting. A misplaced word or worse action can have life long consequences.