My partner was diagnosed with herpes yesterday although I have no visible symptoms of this disease. The last time we had engaged with sex was last 2 weeks ago. Did he cheat me or Did I give him this virus? I'm too worried
Do I give herpes to my partner? - Men's Health Forum
Do I give herpes to my partner?

Both cases can occur. Your partner can be infected with herpes from you even though you don't show up specific symptoms. Have you ever developed herpes? Besides, he can be cotracted herpes by another person. Both should have a conversation to talk about it. You should also get herpes tested for sure. If you don't present herpes sores, blood tests can be availabe for you
I used to develop cold sores 5 months ago, but I recently haven't had any cold sore outbreaks. We also had a conversation already, and he claimed that he had never cheated me
If you previously had cold sores then you have the herpes virus already, so it is most likely that you’ve passed it to him through regular sex, oral, kissing etc. Do you have any other reason to believe that he’s cheated?

it's just my doubt because I think that I haven't had genital herpes and we did blow job while I had no symptoms of cold sores
Yep If you have sucked him then be aware it is a very very contagious virus I actually declined a blow job on holiday from a girl as she had cold sore my mate did however and guess what scabby knob get to doc m8
From my experience as my partner gave it to me the only way to give it to someone is intercourse per doctor the other person had to have had an outbreak during sex. Genital herpes hsv2 is the one you catch sexually lays dormant until a outbreak comes about which could be years n years If ever in between type one is viral and goes away has zero to do with sex such as cold sores. Your immune system works to fight any outbreaks I have never had one regarding type 2. They may have had it for years and never knew til now cause dr's don't routinely test for type 2 unless it is suspected.