Hi know this has been brought up a lot just thought I’d start a new forum for ideas/suggestions from others again.. 35 yr old frustrated guy. I’ve had it for about 2 months. Started with red mark on end on penis glans. Gets pretty irritated easily. Done everything I think possible from washing with warm water using epaderm instead of shower gel. Masturbated the other night which killed and really aggravated it so eased off that. Been given clotrimozole fluconozole trimethoprim taken these for two weeks but nothing has resolved!! Been reading a lot of forums and come across one about using Listerine mouthwash to soak the end of the penis in. Anyone else tried this? Thanks
Balanitis: Hi know this has been brought... - Men's Health Forum

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I had Balanitis I used topical lamacil and hydrocortisone but it kept coming back. I don’t know about using listerine but that sounds a bit odd to me and I would t do it.

Thanks for the reply. I thought it sounded an odd theory but was willing to try anything. Might ask doctor about those two methods you tried. Does yours go then come back months later or not go at all?
It would go away for a while but eventually come back. Over the last couple of years it came more often and lasted longer each time. Finally I got fed up with dealing with it and doing the topical treatments that weren’t working so I saw a urologist for a circ consult. He said that I could use stronger prescription stuff but it would keep coming back. He said best option was a circumcision, which I ended up doing, because it was a permanent solution.

Good to hear mate.. read a lot of comments of guys doing this and mostly read positive results from after doing it.. so as a last resort I will consider it. How long have you been cut for? Has it cured completely now? So many questions but I guess that’s what these forums are useful for.
I got cut 2 months ago. It’s all healed up; just have a bit of swelling that will take a while to go down. The balantis went away right away!

How long ago did you do the circumcision and has it come back since? I also saw urologist who suggested to get it done
Hi jon1206. Has your symptoms gone or are you still looking into being cut to solve it?
8 weeks ago and the balantis went away and hasn’t come back

Thanks I’m leaning into doing it
Me too! Will see how things go at the doctors maybe try a few other things first before going down that road. How old are you cutguy? When can you start using it as normal again as in having sex?
I’m 40. I haven’t had sex yet but I got cleared by the doc. Masturbation and bjs are great

Good to hear pal!! Good luck..
Balanitis is a total nightmare , even if it goes away it will come back and most of times often , end the nightmare forever with circumcision , do not use alcohol based stuff on your penis or tip , you could get chemical urethritis .
That means inflamed urethra and you will have balanitis and discharges too .
Will avoid the Listerine then. Getting cut looks like the most positive result at present. I have a doctors appointment Monday so will see what he suggests. Cheers
Noticed all the comments of circumcision being the final cure for balanitis. It is not. Although balanitis is more common in uncircumcised men, circumcised men can get it as well!!
Here is some good info that might help:
Dealt with this off and on from a teenager, 18mths since circumcision and thankfully that part of life is over and my only wish is that it had been sorted earlier than my 54yrs now. Tried every cream/lotion available over the years, circ is an extreme solution but its the only one that I know that will take it away completely.
It does not put an end to balanitis in all cases. Although it is less common, circumcised men can get balanitis!
Sometimes chronic balanitis is a complication of diabetes. See a go and discuss this and get tested for this condition.
I did read about diabetes being related to Balanitis. Will ask the question tomorrow when at the doctors. Thanks
Hi mate! I’ve had this balanitis for over a year now. Saw a dermatologist n wash with a wash then apply a gel. Gets better then the redness and rash/plaque comes back... So it’s not going away. Did you find a cure? I read you and others talk about circumcision... it seems this is curative... How did you proceed?
Hi Alexander - I had recurrent balanitis that became worse as I got older. I was circumcised in my early 50s to remedy. It has taken care of it for me, and my only regret is that I didn't do it years ago.
Sorry for the delay.. yeah same here it comes and goes I’m trying my best to observe it so much now as it’s starting to take over my life. I did have an appointment with a urologist this year but with everything that is going on not sure when that will be now? Will keep you updated. Hope yours gets better mate..
I cannot see much of a skin change with that penis.
Hi been here many times had all your systems creams antibiotics enough is enough had circumcision 10/11/19 every seems ok and I can tell you I was in more pain with all the infections also phimous I would get it done based on what you have said and I would not go anywhere near mouth wash good luck
Bit late to the the forum. Just want to reiterate Osidge’s point about circumcised men getting Balanitis. I have been circumcised from birth and randomly got balanitis for the first time at 33 years old. A quick bout of steroid sorted it out and hopefully it doesn’t come back. Circumcision might help though and reduce risk but certainly not prevent it from happening.
What I see is a very NICE looking uncircumcised penis with the glans peeking through your foreskin. In my opinion I would not circumcise if it were mine. Thanks for posting.