I can never seem to last long at sex. I do not have a problem getting a good erection, but I can never seem to last longer that 3 or 4 mins tops before ejaculating, sometimes even less. I am early 30s, generally healthy and fit, do not smoke or take drugs, and barely drink. I have tried all the usual stuff, pelvic floor exercises, squeeze, stop and start, masturbating a few hours before sex etc. but nothing seems to work. I am reluctant to take medication like viagara, but am open to herbal/natural stuff. I am not looking to go like a pornstar all night, but would like to be able to last a bit longer. Any help/advice would be much appreciated, it is rather embarrassing.
P.E problem: I can never seem to last... - Men's Health Forum
P.E problem

Feel your pain mate
More foreplay. Urge of partner. Later may try Tadalafil tablet
I just saw my primary and a urologist for this
They suggest
masteurbating hours before sex
Lidocaine 10% spray call Promescent
Delaying condoms - Durex makes some
And if none of that works Fluoxetine (prozac) for 30 days - side effect is delayed orgasm which in our case is a side benefit
Let us know what worked.
Hi. I have suffered this all my adult life and it’s got much worse since I’ve got Peyronies Disease. There are some distorted facts around and the average time for intercourse ( old data) is just over 2 minutes though that’s not very satisfying. Medically more than 2 minutes and they are often not interested. About 6 minutes I think is a good target.
Lots of lubrication helps as it reduces friction.
Being relaxed helps so regular intercourse reduces ‘anticipation’ which can build up excitement.
There are some good sprays which work as the creams might affect your partner.
Using a condom certainly helps if its not too tight or too loose.
Changing my breathing pattern works for me in part.
Masturbating very regularly can also help not just limited to just before.
dorsal neurectomy is a surgery which gelps in pe....if any one knows about the doctors who perform it in india , please let me know
no..its very common surgery in korea ....its success rate is very high.