Anyone been circumcised Age 19 under lo... - Men's Health Forum
Anyone been circumcised Age 19 under local anaesthetic?
I am 21 but I was circumcised a few months ago under general anesthesia. My doctor told me most of his patients turn down the option for local but it’s useful if you have a history of bad reactions to general or if you think it’d be simpler or more cost efficient to do local.
I had one when I was 16 and I was under general anaesthesia. Everything went great and was glad I was fully knocked out
If you cope ok whith seeing some one perform chopping your dick and sewing it up it ok you will be fine I've had general also when getting pierced pa in bellend no anaesthetic just bishop bash bong and was over then got over it good luck kid
Yes, but getting chopped was the worst thing that could ever happen to a man. We lose the most sensitive tissue on our body ... and for what?
Im older by a lot but did local for my circ earlier this year. Barely felt the needle sticks and then nothing after that until hours later. If you don’t want to see, ask them to put a curtain up or a pillow on your belly.
Yes I had local anesthesia , not at 21 but at 30