Hi everyone, my partner needs a circumcision and information sheets we have found online indicate that this can be done under either a local or general anaesthetic. However we have had trouble finding someone locally who will do this under local anaesthetic. So far we are looking at private hospitals since my partner has health cover through work. I wondered whether anyone has managed to have this done under a local anaesthetic in the U.K., and whether this was privately or on the NHS? Thanks in advance!
Circumcision - local anaesthetic? - Men's Health Forum
Circumcision - local anaesthetic?

Not from the UK so I can't help you with that, but its rather odd that you have trouble finding someone that would do it with local anaesthetics since that is nowadays the most used method.
I had mine under general and was not given an option. Reading other posts on here it seems to be dependant on what your Surgeon thinks. If he really wants a local, best suggestion would be to ask for a referral.
Hi I was circumcised under general anaesthetic and my surgeon applied a local whilst I was under so it wasn’t sore. Can I ask why he want to be circumcised under local anaesthetic as I wouldn’t recommend it.
He's worried about the risks of a general anaesthetic. Personally I think that the risks are small and not worth worrying about, but it's not up to me to decide! We finally found a couple of consultants yesterday who are happy to do it with a local so I think we're good 😊
The risks are minimum though and your put to sleep the next thing you know is your awake and it’s been done i know the general can be extremely painful to administer as they go into you band through the top of the penile shaft. Not to mention the smell of burning skin he’s brave 😂
I had local and didn't experience any of the things you describe. And injection is an injection and all you feel is a needle, so if he is scared of them he might not like it. But he doesn't see the needle going in (behind a curtain) and the pinch is just short. Also burning skin, what the hell? When have you been circumcised the middle ages? Just kidding ;).
Local anaesthesia carries lower risk than general as "forcing" someone unconscious carries more danger than a local anaesthetic. The risks are sill minimal, but greater than in local.
I’ve read all about it before I chose general 😂 and they cauterise the skin which is burning haha.
What the fuck? No one uses cauterisation rofl where on earth did you read that?
They do because mine was cauterised they do it so the gains in the foreskin close to stop the bleeding
I and 4 of my friends had a circumcision done, no cauterisation was needed. Cauterising of wounds aka burning off the skin to seal it off is done in the field when you don't have medical supplies available to you as the burning of the skin, however damaging and scaring is more acceptable than an infection .... but as I said, I have never seen it done in a hospital unless there was no other way which at a hospital seems rather odd. No one I have ever know that had a circumcision done was cauterised.
Well mine was cauterised but I did have a few big vains leading upto my foreskin and my frenulum was removed. Every surgeon is different and has different means and ways of doing things but it was cauterised then stitched I could see all the burnt skin slowing peeling away as it heeled but I’m from the uk and the hospital specialised in urology and have some of the best surgeons there most are on the board of directors for health or have published books about urology 😂
I had a Circumcision in Jan and a re Circumcision in March both by on the NHS and both done with Local its no big deal
Hi I'm really anxious.Having a circumcision under local next Friday.Anybody give reassurance please.
Why does he need a circumcision?
Hey I’m wanting a circ for my son - he’s 6 montje. Want a local but surgeon wants a General. Views pls! Don’t want his skin to be cauterised as someone has suggested!