Hlw. I am 17 years old and my body is in terrible shape. I hit puberty 3 years back but it stopped after couple of months. I am 5'6. My testicles have grown big but my penis sizes 4cm when i ejaculate. My weight is 80 kg. No matter which diet i follow i cant reduce my weight. I started facing manboobs right after puberty hit me. And now my chest looks terrible. Hella terrible. I had head of of silky and thick hair but these are falling. The hair fall rate is also terrible. I dont seem to have any muscle in the upper part of my body. Considering my weight i am pretty strength and powerless. No matter how much i sleep i still feel weak the second i wake up. I feel weak even walking for 5 mins. Considering my fat body. My hands are very slim like iam a 12 years old boy. I dont seem to have any muscles in my arms. My voice started to get deepened but it stopped. I cant sleep at night. I forget things too easily. Cant even tell first sentence i wrote. I have facial hair and hairs in my underarms. I have pubic hair too. But they also fall just by a hard smudge. My vision hairing and smelling was very good but i am losing the power of my eyes. I dont need glasses but still i get headaches pretty often. I have almost lost the ability to smell things by nose and cant feel the fragrance or flavour of food. I can smell things if they are sticking to my nose. PLEASE I NEED HELP. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Need help with my mental and physical h... - Men's Health Forum
Need help with my mental and physical health asap. Please. Iam desperate.

En%t says i have rhinesitis. Well that explains the problen in my nose. My blood seems okay. Thn what should i do?
The Doctor is a good place to start. But a lot of what you are experiencing appears stress related.
Step back a bit and deal with one issue at a time.
Look at your diet, take up some exercise. Lok at what is important to you and look for a solution.
Things are probably not as bad as you think.
Good luck.
Hello. I'm 5'6" and a lot more overweight than you and yes, it doesn't look great but could be worse. Loosing weight, I've been told, is 99% diet 1% exercise. Though of course exercise is always beneficial.
I think seeing a GP for an overall physical and health assessment is a good idea. I've been getting a complete physical every year since I was younger.
You can address the issues with your genitals with your doctor who may refer you to a specialist.
Keep your spirits up, that's another part of it as commented below.