Epididymo-orchitis: Hi, I've just joined... - Men's Health Forum

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UK_bloke profile image
78 Replies

Hi, I've just joined the forum after being diagnosed with EO. I've been prescribed a 14-day course of anti-biotics and will be referred to a urologist for an underlying urinary tract infection that hasn't cleared with previous anti-biotics. This is all new to me, after good health previously, and I was wondering whether any reader has had EO and how it was managed and the eventual outcome. Cheers in advance.

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78 Replies
MrMac99 profile image

Hi Man, last year I had several months of recurring UTI with epididymitis these are both very painful conditions the antibiotics should help relieve the condition it is important that you take the full course of tablets, but it may return I found that was the case with me. I was referred to the urologist as well and had several tests done but where inconclusive. I believe I had prostatitis which was causing the infection to return after several courses of antibiotics it eventually burnt itself out I haven't had any symptoms for several months now.

UK_bloke profile image
UK_bloke in reply toMrMac99

Cheers for responding; my situation sounds quite similar to the one you had. If you don't mind sharing what if anything would you have done differently to manage the health problems?

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply toUK_bloke

Hi Man, that's no problem. I don't think there was anything that I would have done differently once I was on the right antibiotic things did improve for me. but it would come back on and off but not as bad. I remember I drank a lot of water around that time to try and keep flushing it out I think that it did help. antibiotics are not great to be taking but sometimes you have to, I did take the probiotics afterwards to try and help my system. I had it for 10 months it would come and go but eventually it faded away. I think in my case I develop prostatitis after having a UTI initially

I think you should go and have whatever tests are needed to rule out any underlying cause that are possibly causing your symptoms even if they are inconclusive you have to rule things out. prostatitis can be hard to diagnose I think.

UK_bloke profile image
UK_bloke in reply toMrMac99

Thanks a lot for sharing your insight. Although my 'urological journey' is relatively new, the first uti presenting in early april, I've been busy implementing the drink lots of water and cranberry juice protocol -not to mention the raw garlic that my more 'alternative health' friends advocate. It's difficult to know what actually works, as I suspect positive changes take time to develop. Getting into urology and having the tests done couldn't come sooner, for me; bring on the MRI (:

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply toUK_bloke

Yeah the sooner you get to the urologist the better it was 2 months for me waiting you probably will have several tests done, hopefully your symptoms will have settled by then. I remember my symptoms were quite annoying a feeling of inflammation in my urethra and perineum area and when I had the EO I couldn't lift anything heavy. And for a long time after my symptoms had settled starting off peeing was painful.

The drinking of water and cranberry juice and garlic would all be very good it can take some time for the natural alternatives to work but I'm sure they will help.

UK_bloke profile image

Cheers for responding. Hope you recover from the prostatitis.

UK_bloke profile image

Thanks for your comments. I've been trying to reach a middle ground about use of anti-biotics; there is information out there -eg never take them just use 'natural' remedies such as eating raw garlic daily- that suggests avoiding them, but at the other end of the spectrum there is the 'dr knows best' school of thought aka 'suck it up and take the medicine'. Hard as it is, it's a challenge for me to be patient and really tune into my body, allowing that to be my best guide. I am also using 'positive bacteria', such as kombucha and kefir, in an attempt to mitigate the impact of abs. It's not always simple to know what works and what doesn't; we are all unique. Thanks again.

MrMac99 profile image

Hi haydock, yeah the Health Service can be a real pain it's amazing when you pay how quick you can get to see a consultant.

Yeah I remember the feeling I had in my scrotum when I had inflammation and it was very painful, luckily for me the antibiotics would ease the symptoms for me.

The test with the semen would be a good test to see if there is bacteria are fungal, I feel that would be the best test to have done and get it cultured to see exactly what antibiotic would work best for you.

I understand that taking antibiotics or medicines over a long period of time would not be great but sometimes you have to take these medications and in strong doses to eliminate the infections and bacteria. I would continue with the alternative medicines as well though they are very good and do have a place in the treatment.

I presume you have had all the other tests done with urine cultures ultrasounds and cystoscope and urodynamics.

UK_bloke profile image
UK_bloke in reply toMrMac99

Just to add momentum to the thread, a week into my EO diagnosis, saw my GP yesterday and he advised to call Urology next week if I've not received the referral appointment by then. I can't afford to go private at the moment. The pain has gone from my EO (though the scrotum is more tender than normal), but the swelling has subsided only a little. I expressed concern to my GP about the continued use of anti-biotics and he presented a different view: that there are large numbers of patients who take them long-term without any evidence of having incurred significant harm. I'm not sure. I guess it's about risk/reward. What I am finding helpful is to try to keep my focus more on the here and now- how I am feeling day to day- otherwise I can get caught up in miserable what-ifs and catastrophising. It's a fact that life can be enjoyed with EO and a bug inside me, though it could be more enjoyable without them.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply toUK_bloke

Hi uk_bloke, glad to hear you are improving man it can be debilitating with pain and soreness. I think you have to hit the condition Hard with antibiotics. you have to weigh up the side effects of the tablets with the condition and which is worse.

Yes it is always a problem with the health system with waiting times.

Did you have a urine culture to specify what antibiotics or best for you.

UK_bloke profile image
UK_bloke in reply toMrMac99

Thanks man. Yes, had the urine culture and ultimately relying on the GP's judgment on what the results mean and the type and dosage of the antibiotics- and of course my own sense, day by day, how I'm feeling.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply toUK_bloke

Yeah keep your spirits up man it can be depressing but you have to get on with it. hopefully it will resolve itself keep drinking lots that should help and hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your appointment with the urologist and maybe it will be gone by then🤞

in reply toMrMac99

Thanks, I'll see how it goes next week. I have to be properly tested(see what's on offer next week and how much it'll cost), I've picked up that British medicine seems to do far less tests than would be done in the USA in this area - I can't see that's a good approach - just firing in drugs blind and hoping for the best. I need to find out the nature of this infection if it is possible to do that

I've had the tests you mention bar urodynamics - all negative

UK_bloke profile image
UK_bloke in reply to

I don't know whether it's of any help, Haydock, but I had a quick look at the online 'good medical practice' issued by the General Medical Council and it sets out clearly and comprehensively what is required of medical doctors. I note, in particular, in paragraphs 31-34, the requirement to 'communicate effectively'. I know there is sometimes a gap between what the rules say and how they applied by the professional 'in the know', but a bit of assertiveness may be needed. I'm not suggesting that you haven't been assertive, but I remember when I was rushed into hospital, advised to undergo an appendectomy and a 'consent form' was thrust in front of me as I lay in a ward bed, trying to make sense of it all, I had to make a big effort to gather my wits and ask for an explanation of the alternatives to surgery. The young surgeon responded reasonably, but I felt afterwards that had I not asserted myself in this way I would have been whisked away to surgery which time has proved wasn't necessary.

UK_bloke profile image

Thank you for providing all this pertinent information. I'm sorry to hear the extent of your health problems previously. I will certainly now engage more sceptically with the medical support I'm offered. It would be useful to know some common sense pointers (if there are any) by which to decide whether an infection is fungal or bacterial. Thanks again man.

UK_bloke profile image

Thanks very much for that, Haydock. It's given me something concrete to go into my first urology appointment with, which is coming up in the next month or so. I've no medical training, not even much experience, but your hopes for your treatment seem reasonable ones to me. The very best of luck for next week.

UK_bloke profile image

I know what you mean about feeling 'less than' in consultation with some medical doctors. I try to be charitable, making allowance for the pressures they are under (I speak only of the nhs; I can't afford to go private) and the relatively large number of patients having to be seen, but clearly there are some who need to work on their 'people skills', to put it mildly. I'm wondering whether you have access to someone you trust who could accompany you to the consultations and give you a bit of 'moral support'. I took a female friend to my last GP appointment and felt much better for it. We had agreed beforehand that she could feel free to chip in during the meeting if she heard anything that concerned her, and her observations of the meeting afterward were helpful to me. I think it's an excellent idea to have questions/points prepared, and I would encourage you to ask for a brief clear explanation of anything that you are told that you don't understand or respect- for example, the doctor who labelled as 'rubbish' the tests you had told him you had done could be asked a question such as 'could you please tell me how it is in my best interests as a patient to denigrate, without regard to my own opinion, the effort and expense I have put into the tests I told you about?' I am making these comments partly as a reminder to myself to have the confidence and wit for when I next engage with the medical professionals!

UK_bloke profile image

Hello Tennis2, sorry to hear of your nearly year-long struggle. I don't feel confident enough, based on my more recent struggle of just over 2 months, to suggest taking, or avoiding, antibiotics. What has started to help me, though, is cutting down on the amount of food I eat and making a greater effort to put higher quality fibre into it. I wasn't seriously overweight to begin with, but I now have just 2 meals a day, with no snacking apart from a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts occasionally, and have lost a lot of weight and my defecation seems more healthy. I have also tried some 'fermented' foods, such as kefir and kombucha, and these seem to be positive. I try also to think more positive thoughts and reduce or cut out toxins generally from my life wherever possible. It's a work in progress!


please see my reply to uk bloke I just made

UK_bloke profile image

That's good news; keep us up-to-date with how you get on with the test.

in reply toUK_bloke

Thanks, will do

Many thanks for the links - just watched the first and the last

I immediately picked up on the ant-inflammatory effects of sunlight/vitamin D and the brief ref to the prostate manufacturing vitamin d - I thought it was pretty ironic that the expert well sun shielded Aussie dermatologist turned out to be 87% vitamin D deficient - so much for conventional wisdom

Which part of the States do you live tennis ball? Here in the English Midlands we have had the wettest June on record. I have been instinctively getting out there when the sun shines - good spell at the end of April, but it is very frustrating. I have now got the vitamin D3 capsules so that's a start. My diet has been so restrictive - the foodstuffs contra-indicated so comprehensive that must be compromising me in and of itself.

I find my halogen bedroom fire very comforting - the radiation from it has a warming easing effect - not really sure if it's healthy at close range. I did a few sessions with a Chinese acupuncturist - she used an infra red lamp in addition to the needles, that felt beneficial at the time as well

"Yesterday seemed like a much better day then usual and today again not so good. "

I'm following a similar pattern

As you say immune system building has got to be a long job - please remember that I suffered from this 30 years ago; and that after a bad 2-3 years period I did recover; that encourages me a lot. Also that my woes were precipitated by antibiotics

While hopefully one can do things that will improve one's prospects long term it is of course equally possible to make things a great deal worse very quickly. From what you've told me and my own experience I wouldn't take antibiotics.

It will be interesting and informative I hope when my semen fungal test comes through(though here I am not convinced that the small hospital lab where it's being tested will have the expertise/equipment to this properly and I'm hoping I'm not just being palmed off - I have become v suspicious of our medical friends)

Weather forecast promises some sun - break in the clouds - in 2 hours; I'll be lapping it up

The gambling is a massive concern

I'd want a least 90% certainty of improvement and 0 long term nasty side effects

But I don't think it's even 50-50 given an established candida infection

It's horrible for you; I'm sorry

"burning under testicules that seems to be extremely disturbing for people who have “prostatitis”

It definitely is

If the only diagnosis you've had is candida balanitis and you haven't got an infected prostate gland then I'd have thought that a much lower dose of fluconazole over a shorter period would stand a good chance of clearing a urinary infection than is apparently necessary in the case of an infected prostate. You've got the white cells as an indicator - and maybe the semen test would be a good idea. I'd feel much more confident in taking 100mg or so of fluconazole/day for a couple of weeks(whatever's recommended) than any anti-bacterial antibiotic

We need some advice we can trust, otherwise we will keep going round in circles; that's unfortunately where we are. It does seem to be most definitely the case that taking antibiotics for a yeast infection is like pouring petrol on the fire

Video played for me - I'd be out in the sun if there was any here; but at least I'm now on the Magnesium Glycinate and D3 supplement now; so that's something - and I am eating a lot of greens. To be honest though I find it difficult to believe that this is going to fix my prostate. Hoping my test won't take too long and something positive will come out of it. Inflammation's bad this morning

I see a gleam of sunlight, I'm going out there!

The day's turned to gloom, both literally and metaphorically, so I had to come in

If you feel you absolutely have to take prescription drugs I'd take the fluconazole first and see how that goes. I just would not take doxy in the known or strongly suspected presence of a yeast infection. I'd first of all have obtained specialist advice on yeast infection. I don't believe conventional medicine knows what it's doing with this

btw I phoned the private hospital lab to see what the situation is with my test; they said they'd probably have the result tomorrow - I was pleased to hear that they send the sample down to their main lab in London and culture it there, which gives me more confidence in the set up

Then they tell the Consultant and he writes to me - it'll take another week to get that I suppose

For me it's the front lower, particularly underneath the testicles that I get the burning - and especially to the right side of the scrotum

It seems to be worse on bowel movement days, which are now 1 in 2 rather than an average of 1 in 3 as it was. The burning defecation just seems to make it worse - like it's all connected - by the prostate gland; urination isn't that bad at al.

I consider these "medicines" toxic, which is why I never use the that term for them

I won't know tomorrow. The Consultant's got to tell me, he uses the ordinary postal system; it's archaic - another week at the earliest

I suppose what I am looking for is a confirming diagnosis of fungal prostate infection - if they tell ne it's bacterial I'll be up shit creek without a paddle; I just can't take anti-bacterial antibiotics. If they tell me they didn't find anything I think I'll just assume their test is crap; and be back to square 1

"the side effects seem 100 times worse then what you read on the anti fungal side effects. "

Totally agree, that's my impression too. There's a whole class of antibiotics that have been restricted by the EU


They say the harmful effects are very rare, but then they would say that. My former acupuncturist was telling me that a music teacher friend of hers was reduced to such a dreadful state by one of these "medicines" he killed himself; there's a support group online for people who have been damaged by these drugs; some real horror stories.

I think I have got more a dilemma with the fluconazole than you, tennis. It's possible that relatively low doseage will hit your balanitis/urinary infection where it hurts - and hopefully clear it

But if it turns out that I have got a fungal infection of the prostate clearly demonstrated by the test then the information available says that anything under 200mg per day will barely affect the infection, and may make it stronger and resistant. So the suggested doseage is 200-400-800 mg per day. I may not at all sure that I would do that; and if they just prescribed me 50mg per day I definitely wouldn't.

Potassium citrate alkalises the urine which is said to make the environment more difficult for the fungi.

" I’m putting most of my cards on vitamin d and sunlight at the moment."

Probably for the best, I was looking through the reviews on fluconazole and it has a really bad effect on some people

Here's an example - ok this is a small sample and maybe it's true what said about it being generally well tolerated; but it does spook me out


Me neither, I have no idea either - I'm just existing fairly miserably day by day. See what happens with my test

"pray and stay outside in the light"

At least you've got the sun - it's gloomy again here today - so that just leaves the vitamin D3 - not the same

"They are throwing names at things, in reality, the closest thing to reality is yeast infection of prostate or somewhere in there, simply because antifungals seem to work."

That's about the size of it really. I think I'd qualify it a little bit because I've seen a couple of papers online where it is described how a particular candida strain was identified by test then successfully treated with fluconazole; but that's about it. The Egyptian example was based on guesswork - the presence of yeast infection wasn't established by testing; they just gave these 1000 guys 800mg fluconazole for 2 weeks and seem to have achieved remarkable results. It is proof though, albeit indirect.

But overall I just don't trust the medical profession. Talking to a guy who was "treated" with 4 months of doxy and cipro and has now been left in a very poor state; that's just criminally irresponsible in my book.

I'm inclined to agree about the supplements; with prostatitis though in the Egyptian test they gave the subjects Potassium Citrate to alkalise their urine - that might do something and I started the celery seed extract which definitely worked on gout on the same basis.

What attracts me about Shockwave in addition to the good reports I've seen about it is its non-invasive nature and even more it isn't a drug with unpredictable side effects. By boosting blood supply down below it might hopefully enable self healing

"These diagnostic tests of scraping I have no idea who would do that, definitely no doctors I have seen, except for the urologist who I’m sure could do that."

I've obviously been naïve -but you would think that a GP might suspect balanitis then refer to a specialist who would carry out the skin scrape tests

There's some real horror stories about cipro class drugs - "getting floxed" - shocking

Well let's hope that sunshine, shockwave, fluconazole and time being a great healer eventually gets us both over the line

I'm really sorry you're going through this, I hardly know what to say. Maybe you should go to the local hospital to see if they reckon your reaction is down to stress or to the side effects of the drug itself. In my own experience it is a mistake to go ploughing on in the face of severe drug side effects. That you don't know the nature of the enemy you are facing must be a stress factor.

I'm going to take my first Amoxycillin in 2.5 hours, it may go no better for me. Amoxycillin is the preferred treatment for the bacteria identified in me, the culture they did found that it is sensitive to Amoxy. But there may be unidentified nasties lurking, other bacteria and yeasts which get stirred up by the antibiotic.

Keep us posted, best wishes

I took an Amoxy about 15 mins ago - hope I'm not walking into a trap

"And one thing I can say is that, the burning and pain behind the testicules significantly reduced since then."

That's really interesting, probably quite significant - arguing for a prostate infection. Ejaculation seems to be recommended on a regular basis - I think that's common sense - clearlng out infected fluid which you just don't want lingering around

I'm on my 4th Urologist - I've found one who listens to ne and I feel that I can trust

It's a terrible situation for you tennis - if you can but get a bit of success, some abatement, your whole outlook will start to change

"Since you are taking amoxycillin it means that it does penetrate the prostate right? "

Not necessarily - that's why the course is so long; they hope it'll penetrate the prostate and not do too much collateral damage in the process

The obvious answer is a direct injection into the prostate, but apparently there's only one place in the world that does that in New York.

I really distrust taking stuff blind - I took doxy in 2018 for an unrelated issue - and it just flared up what I now understand to have been an underlying prostate infection I had for years but which was holding - and then all of a sudden wasn't

I can't reply now Tennis I've taken the first one less than 2 hours ago and already I can feel the inflammation levels going up and up - maybe later

Inflammation of the testicles - I'm going to take another Amoxy in an hour - probably having a bad effect round the back too, don't want to seize up again like I have in the past

It's bilaterial inflammation worse on the right side - I can feel inflammation in the sphincter round the back too.

I just talked briefly to a nice lady at a UK Antibiotic Resistance project - told her the issues over the phone having previously emailed - she said that I should maybe get referred to an Infectious Diseases Consultant at hospital - can't see that would do any good though

I'm starting to wonder if I should have it removed surgically, drastic and very expensive - but it might be the answer

I don't know - a chronic bacterial infection can turn acute - you can get endocarditis of the heart valves from my infection spreading I read.

If you treat it and you can't let it go on - options become limited

I read the article thanks - you're making a strong case for an NSU infection with an unidentified bacteria . One of the worst things is chopping and changing, the worry and uncertainty is the bain of our lives and making us feel low.Sometimes it's best to stay the course decided upon. Let's hope for a little bit of positivity tomorrow

I don't know Tennis, our conditions are substantially different; what we have as common factors are uncertainty, misery and area of affliction. I just hope that what you are doing will bring relief - and hope!

I don't feel too bad this morning but of course it's far too early to say what effect this drug cocktail is going to have; to think I used to pride myself on not taking any of this stuff; pride cometh before a fall.

On better days I can do some reading - did a bit yesterday and think I will be able to do some today too; that's something - as in grateful for small mercies

If you weren't as intelligent and as reflective you are you might simply have taken the CIPRO - being entirely unaware of the risks - and have killed off the infection in days. That's one of life's little unfunny paradoxes I suppose

Definitely the correct call with CIPRO - you're only 2 days into the Amoxy, it's got be too early for results yet

"In a case-control study of more than 1.6 million patients over 17 years, researchers from Canada found that cotrimoxazole was associated with a three-fold increased risk of sudden death when used in older patients (age > 66)……."

Hey that's about my age, way to go! Quite literally. My mum used to say "it's not the cough that carries you off it's the coffin they carry you off in" - she'd never heard of cotrimoxazole though. Where can I get some of this stuff! Not

"I think I will try to do the whole 10 day amoxicillin. That’s the prescription I have. "

Yep steady as she goes, then review following the course; hopefully no side effect squalls on the way.

My mum came from Liverpool - and she had the characteristic "Scouser" sense of humour - she'd always say "I may be cabbage looking but I'm not daft" - in a kind of self deprecating way. It tended to rub off

Situation we're In it's a case of one small step at a time

It means I may look stupid but I'm not really, as in never judge a book by its cover. Quite apt for some of my earlier encounters with the medical profession - who could be seriously dismissive and patronising.

You have my very best wishes of success

Sun's out - it's vitamin D time!

Thanks for reminding me - another unwelcome aspect of the nightmare - I'd totally forgotten that; I'll cover up from now on

Your last para sounds quite encouraging

Hi Tennis

After a seemingly encouraging yesterday I a burning up worse than ever - I just don't know what to do

I took doxy for 4 days in 2018. I was trying to monitor it - on the 4th day I had a very very difficult hard BM. I stopped it immediately - then I couldn't go for the next week. I was scared, I went to the hospital and they ended up literally digging it out - and gave me an enema to clear it out. Then I was very constipated for months afterwards and had to take movicol.

So you can see why I was so scared to take Amoxicillin. At the moment what it seems to be doing is provoking an enhanced inflammatory response. I feel there's no medical aid that can help me and that I'm in a horrible Catch 22 situation quite honestly

I think the increased burn has got to be down to the antibiotic, followed on so closely

I've tried Naproxen but it didn't do anything - likewise CBD oil and balm; I got the strongest commercially available - didn't notice any effect at all

Medical Marijuna isn't legally available here - I'd get some if I could

The CBD has little THC oil content - I'm wrong they did legalise MM but I think it is prescribed very restrictively; might be worth checking

I've just taken pill 4 - not very optimistic though

Fair enough - last paragraph

"Have you taken any antibiotics since doxycycline that triggered everything in 2018?"

No - I just think as far as my system is concerned they're poison

"You do have a fairly good diagnosis, so if you haven't had antibiotics since the chances are still positive."

I've got a good diagnosis and a great plan, with a fatal flaw it would seem- my response to antibiotics

Maybe it'll work out - maybe it will improve just not putting any money on it.

"Have you continued to consider the other mechanical therapy you were thinking of attending in London?"

That was on the basis the prostatitis wasn't caused by bacteria or fungus - the London Clinic approach goes out of the window now I've had the diagnosis of prostate infection. They only do "shockwave" where there isn't a demonstrable yeast/bacteria issue - otherwise you risk spreading the infection. They don't know how to treat yeast/bacteria infection any better than anyone else

"You did say it eventually resolved and that you’ve been in a very similar situation the first time 30 years ago"

I did, but I'm 30 years older - a lot weaker and then I didn't try to take more antibiotics as a treatment for what had been caused by antibiotics

I think you've got a much better chance of succeeding than I have

I saw your super long message last night - I didn't reply immediately because I hadn't got the strength. As I recall you asked about the early history of this affliction for me. As I said I was into this second course of erythromycin in 1988 when I started to become very constipated, stupidly I just kept on taking it. Then there were two bowel movements where I forced it out, it was fierce and painful. I recall the resulting stool lying in an unnatural layer at the bottom of the toilet pan - with plenty of blood. The fissures started there. And later the burning scrotal sensations - I think I had probably opened up the prostate to infection through the fissures; and of course erythromycin must have done terrible - life changing damage - to my gut bacteria. I don't know how much you should take from this experience tennis, it might be very rare - or maybe not so much.

So in any event my fear of these drugs - I refuse to call them medicines - is very well founded

I share your doubts about Amoxi, though I'm pleased you may be detecting positive signs. I hope this is the case for you. Unfortunately I cannot say the same - after 3 days of this stuff my inflammation is worse than ever. It's probably not a case of whether I give up, but when

And although the nasty bug that is infecting me is apparently vulnerable to Amoxi I cannot find instances anywhere at all of it being recommended as a stand alone treatment for prostatitis, still less as a treatment for Enterococcus Faecilis infestation. Apparently it penetrates the prostate barely if at all. So that's absolutely brilliant.

I was circumcised age 21/22 - and it was entirely beneficial I found

It wasn't a pleasant experience being circumcised so hopefully you'd be ok - it's not like micro nuclear depth charge antibiotic cocktails of uncertain provenance and even more uncertain effect being exploded in your bowels.

I had it done because of tightness - I couldn't retract it and there were white bits(quite likely yeast) coming out from under

I gather there can be complications but overall it seems a pretty safe bet

I don't really recall - this was in 1974 I think - National Health Service - East Birmingham hospital; it definitely wasn't the leading edge of medical technology. I remember the wards were so overcrowded they'd put beds running like a sort of train down the middle of the ward. In the US you'd probably think it was straight out of the third world. It wasn't too bad - and I have the lowest threshold for pain and discomfort of anyone I've ever known. Bit of soreness, not a big deal

I didn't realise people had killed themselves - I was looking at it as the removal of a bit of skin which is relatively uncomplicated compared to antibiotic "therapy" where doctors don't really know what they're doing much of the time, deny all knowledge when there are damaging even life threatening side effects;and the whole thing is driven by rapacious commercial interests

Maybe I was wrong, last thing I want to do is make light of your fears

It's about 9am in the morning here. I've just taken another red/orange nasty with extreme reluctance, I had a bad evening with inflammation worse than if I hadn't been taking them at all - yet it's not so much that which worries me; it's the further damage that's being likely done. And there's no one out there who can give me a rational and really informed view of what to do right now

Glad you've got some indication of improvement - wish I had

"they say you must get wore before you feel better"

I see a lot of links claiming that but I can't see anything authoritative

Won't be able to get a GP today - for what's that worth

Think I'll ring the 111 helpline this evening where you get to speak to a doctor, or maybe go the local walk in centre. There must be someone at hand who can advise whether this proposition has any foundation in reality - in general terms at least

The bottom line is that I musn't do yet further damage which I probably am right now

The Consultant who prescribed this - private hospital - is off on 2 weeks leave - I can't get a GP appt; I try not to chop and change too much, though I've encountered so much bs that hasn't generally been possibly

I just want to know in general terms whether after 3 days I should be feeling worse - you'd think they'd be able to answer that

Doctor from GP surgery calling me in a couple of hours by phone, see what he says

I'm not suffering brain fog - it's "just" the inflammation - at the moment - I just spoke to a GP at the surgery I use - he advised dropping the fluconazole of which I've taken 100mg in total so far and just going on with the Amoxi for the next few days - see where we are about next Tuesday. He suspects that the interaction between Amoxy and Flucanazole might be an issue - but as ever it's just guess work.

Hope something +ve emerges from your video call

Yes it can be a case of pass the parcel - what will you do with 3/4 days left on the Amoxi prescription? I think I'll probably do what the GP says ; leave off the fluconazole and see where we are next Tuesday - unless there's a big turn for the worse

"so they don't have to deal with me right?"

In various encounters I've had I just got the feeling I was being palmed off - fobbed off - it is a very difficult area. Maybe for me at least there are no answers

Have you got anything to take your mind of this?

Thanks for that very informative update - after 4 days of Amoxicillin the inflammation is really bad for me now; all these drugs seem absolutely toxic to my system

I'm going to go to a walk in primary care shortly - I'll let you now what they say. I think all I have done with this latest round of poison is to make things worse

I'm very pleased that you've found some relief

Best Wishes

I just saw a doctor at the walk in centre - said I should continue with the Amoxy for 7 to 10 days; alternatively he offered me a CIPRO prescription - which I declined

My body's screaming at me don't take any more of this Amoxi sh-t! I am looking at one nasty red/orange pill wondering what the hell to do; I've reached the end of my tether with this.

My whole body is screaming at me not to take this sh-t, so I won't, can't - so much for my wonderful masterplan. He didn't offer me anything else - I don't honestly think there are any answers for me with this....all I've done is wasted a ton of money and made it worse

Well good luck - I would seriously think long and hard before taking doxy. I'm about done with our medical friends now I believe, I really don't see the point any more

It's the inflammation - front and back. Why should I take stuff that has dire effects on me? - I was told that I should be ok with Amoxi - I should have known better

Just going thru weeding the posts

I just spent about $50 getting this opinion from an Indian allergist/immunologist off the net

"s you explain the situation it seems that the current treatment is not working and in my opinion it should be changed.

If you were my patient first I would do an ultrasound of the prostate and Hemogram and CRP blood tests to evaluate the grade of infection. And after having the results probably I would start Cefuroxime 500 mg orally twice and Levofloxacini 500 mg once for 7-10 days. After this period you should repeat the above blood tests which should be in normal ranges.

However it is your treating doctor who will decide exactly for the following treatment because he has observed you closely and knows better your clinical picture. Please discuss with him /her for the above.

Nevertheless the above treatment I have explained are not those classes of antibiotics you are alergic to.

I share your scepticism - they've done me too damage already - think I'll pass; although to be fair he is talking about tests I was never offered on the NHS - real bargain basement

I think what's to lose is making it worse - this it seems is all I have achieved

I won't be able to respond for a bit - I feel so very down about it all; as you know I wish you all the best in your own struggle with this horrible situation

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