Am I going through a mid life crisis?
49 yrs old...suffering with mild anxiety...due to weird health symptoms...weird chest fluttering...weight loss...chest and throat tightness. been checked out thoroughly by doctors...prostate exam, upper endoscopy, Abdominal CTScan, EKG, blood and urine work. All came back clean.
Feeling better but still going through some troubling bodily symptoms...just today feeling weird chest flutters...making me wonder if its my heart but my heart was checked....its always been good...and remember on several occasions in the past when I have had these feelings after getting my heart checked everything was fine. I don't drink or smoke and am not obese so no worries there.
Even now while I am writing this feels like a gas bubble or some tightness in my chest. This has been going off and on for a week or 2 weird.