Can stretching treat frenulum breve? Or is that just for treatment of phimosis?
Frenulum breve treatment : Can stretching... - Men's Health Forum
Frenulum breve treatment

Hey dude, you can only treat the breve with surgery and if you don’t get the full circumcision it is a very minor surgery. It is called frenuloplasty if the doctor thinks you are able to keep your frenulum or a frenectomy if he deems you can’t keep it.
You can’t lengthen the frenulum it will tear and be painful and you will have a build up of scar tissue which will make it again even more inelastic and hard with scar tissue.
It sucks but there is no way around it. And if you also have foreskin issue I wouldn’t wait around it doesn’t get better and circumcision is a minor surgery and it takes only a couple weeks to get better from it.
Whatever you do will be shortcuts before the real cut.
Good luck
That is not true. All tissue responds to stretching. Tearing is an indication of a skin disease, most commonly yeast which is treatable.
The frenulum also responds to stretching. Grasp the end which attaches to the foreskin, pull and hold for five minutes, four or more times per day. Each time you pee gives you another opportunity to tug for a moment. You must persist to make this work. The natural tendency of the tissue is to resist by springing back. Frequent tugs prevent reversion and cause the cells to divide and multiply. It will take about a month to six weeks for growth to be permanent. Resist all advice for surgery.
If you speak to your gp you can have a frenuloplasty where thay just cut/remove the frenulum it's not a circumcion and not to bad