This is the underside view... Ugly looking thing...
New picture for reference swelling unde... - Men's Health Forum
New picture for reference swelling under the frenulum and head

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Oh yeah it most definitely got circumferentially torn apart!!! Omg
I had phimosois and a frenulum breve. I don't k ow how that should help... Torn apart?! was it from my erections?
Yeah I had those two conditions as well. Man your situation can only be like this because its a torn one. Let us know what your urologist say could've happened. Go back to your same one who cut you.
Take a look at my photos from day 2 to day 11
I can't. I moved so I have to see a new urologist. But I can still email my old one j think...
How sure are you that you are correct?
Well because I have studied circumcumcisions during my time of considering getting one, and I've watched many adult circumcisions on Youtube, and studied the penile anatomy. On all your pictures it vividly appears that you have no prepuce at all (inner foreskin that is attached to the bottom rim of the glans, and folded back to be stitchef and fused to the rigid shaft skin).
All you have is your glans (head) and your shaft skin, which has attached itself down along your shaft. Your exposed penis muscle had experienced cellulitus and transfigured itself to looking the way it does between your glans and shaft skin.
Talk to your new urologist and let me know what they think and say and suggest.
I really widh you had a 1st week's photo..
How long did yours take to fully heal and without swelling?
I'm still in the midst, I'm only in my 12th day. I will be posting new pics around my 16th day