I am not able to pull my foreskin back it is veey tight and there is a thin tissue attached with the head of the penis
I'm 17 not able to pull my foreskin - Men's Health Forum
I'm 17 not able to pull my foreskin

Have a read of: menshealthforum.org.uk/phim...
There are two options, firstly this is so-called. bridle or your foreskin is not separated, then you need to have an operation.
At your age this may not be unusual. I was in my twenties before being able to pull back properly, and all worked fine.
You could try regular gentle stretching whilst in the bath or shower.
Pull back until you feel it stretch hold for a few seconds, release and repeat. Stop if it painful and do not force it.
Seek medical advice if you worried or in discomfort.
Surgery is possible but in my opinion a last resort.
Don't think there is any point in a picture. I think we know what the issue is, it is fairly common.
Does it work ? For many men, yes. But not all.
At 17 you have time to try the stretching, it is not a quick fix and does take time but in my opinion much better than surgery.
Cortisone creams may also help but if you are in pain then do see a Doctor.
Not tried it myself but information is available on 'pegym'.
As I have said, I could not pull back for many years but sex was still great. Though I have to be honest the first time without a condom it did pull back during sex and it felt very tight and uncomfortable, and took some persuading to pull back up. But no long term after effects.
Good luck
Go to willywellbeing.com to get coaching on how to enlarge the openin.
Bro can i have sex with phimosis without any problem
Hi bro I had it too and got myself circumcised at 17 five years ago. I tried first the stretching exercises in combination with a cortisone cream but nothing really helped. I'm very glad now that I'm circumcised as I think most men are who were circumcised as an adult. Don't believe those anti-circumcision activists. It really is so much better after being circumcised.