I was circumcised at 1.6 years and the scar is still high and when I wake up in the morning it is very swollen
Circumcised swollen scar: I was... - Men's Health Forum
Circumcised swollen scar

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It looks decent to me dude. You sure it's not just full from getting morning wood?
I see other cases of circumcision the scar does not swell more
When you're flaccid, that's not that "really" swelling. What's going on is, YOUR pinkish skin (the inner foreskin) id bunching and competing itself tightly together, when its not being stretched out during an erection. Mine's does the same exact thing. Check out my pics
It looks slightly swollen.
Have you had vigorous sex or masturbated too hard?

It’s very common, nothing to worry about it will subside within a week.
I’ve had exactly the same problem.
Every day when I wake up, my foreskin is swollen, but during the day the swelling goes down. Does anyone have this problem?