I have raised bumpy scar after circumcision. It’s been almost 2 months and they have not settled. I am worried it will stay like this and also pretty hard ring underneath the scar. Any of you who have been circumcised for a while, has it on the way?
Raised bumps at scar after Being circum... - Men's Health Forum
Raised bumps at scar after Being circumcised

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Im not educated in this area, all I know is what i have gathered from my friend google. I also can't get a clear picture of your problem, it might be someting else that I dont know of. But it sounds like an orginary swelling.
It has been three weeks after my circumcision, and as far as i know might the swelling stay swollen for a long time. Its the part of the healing proccess that seem to take the longest time. So as long as the peepee don't fall off or explode (Infections, and so on) are you on the right path. It can even take up to a year for the swellings to settled, so be patient.
Even if it stays swollen longer then a year can you do surgary to remove to extra-skin, but in most cases that won't be necessary. ( I haven't heard of anyone that needed to do it)
Now don't take my words for granit, if you're worrid you can easily look it up. This part of the body is after all not just any part. // Blessings and good luck!
Probably a good idea to post a image. ✅
non expert in this department but i was basically dealing with the same thing ,i got tired of hearing the man lie to my face about it looking fine and got a new doctor ..i just got my second circumcision on thursday hopefully it goes away..its from this stitches being too tight i was told and basically that might be the final look.
How long did you wait before your second circumcision?
i ws trying to get it done as soon as possible to just get it over with.. but he told me it needs time to heal more to have a better results so we waited almost 5 months since i first got it
Oh I realy hope not
This is called keloid , it usually happens in injury site or wounds . If it's growing you need to see a doctor .
Also you have what's called Penile Pearly Papules which is the little pimples around your gland , it have no any problem
Keloids? I was referring to the scar. Will it ever smouthen? How can I remove the stitch scar? Can someone walk me through the healing time frame and progress?
Anyone else have this problem that maybe got resolved over time? I’m starting to worry the right side not flattening out. I’m 3 months post op
Cosmetically it’s not very appealing for a woman to go down on. I hope it resolves
Has ur bumps gone now...? I m also having the same looking raided bumps after circumcision
Ha ha that’s true, I guess we’ll see LOL may I ask how long it’s been for you?
Besides getting cut there has to be a way to make it smooth again.
Mine is still there, it’s been 4 months now and I don’t think it’s smoother. I’m worried that it may never go away but some people say it may take up to a few years to resolve. I guess we just have to wait and hope it gets smoother
I've got the same exact problem. Been 2 months since circumcision and still have bumps, the left side is a bit better but the right side isn't. It's harder to see when erect, but it's very obvious when flacid. I'm pretty worried as well since it's not very aesthetically pleasing, but I think I might go to the doctor soon. I'll let you know if I learn anything new, please do the same.
Hi Jdouk,
I hope you are well.
I think I have what is in this picture but I am only at day 8 please look at my most recent post and can you tell me if yours looked like this at the start?
If so I am going to try and get it sorted and will let you know how I get in mine hasn't got any smaller and i have been icing every day.
I did see on one forum that someone had a similar thing but just one notch and a dermatologist basically numbed the area and just the raised bit off - I don't see why that cant be an option as I presume it is just a lump of skin?
Anyway please let me know if my pic looked like yours after your cut.
Many thanks
Responded on your post. I’m still in hopes that there may be a solution without getting a revision.
I must be honest it really what I wanted to hear! lol How’s the sensation archer your cut? I really should have researched more as I would have much preferred a high and tight cut rather than low. Im worried there’s also not enough skin! To get an erection!
In regards to the lumps surely you can get them numbed and cut off? That will be a very small procedure and should heal quickly.
Are yours painful when you have sex / masturbate?
Many thanks.
I’ll have to look into it. As far as sensation I’ve lost about 30 percent. Sometimes goes soft when having a sex. I’m not sure about the skin but if you don’t have enough there are techniques to stretch the skin.
When you first had the bumps a week or so after the cut where they painful? Mine are as they feel very tight! All the rest of it feels absolutely fine it’s just that bit that’s painful and doesn’t seem to be getting any better. What are they like when you’re hard are they less visible?
Yes especially with the stitches in place. But not unbearable. My foreskin would cover the wound so it wasn’t so bad. I also used Neosporin with pain relief in it daily at least three times a day which helped greatly. I think the fact that the skin folded over my head is possibly why I created those bumps? I’m not sure yet
OK guys now I’m starting to get worried that these will never go away. It’s been since feb12th. Has anyone had scar revision? Or any kind a laser to remove?
I’m still hoping it will smoothen after some time ugh 😑
I was circumsized in infancy and I had this lump my whole life. I was wondering whether it’s a skin tag or remnants of the ridged band or scar tissue. It’s in the correct location of where the ridged band would be.
Hey I got circumcised 2 and a half months ago and I have the exact same problem. I looked all over and all I found was the best you can do on your own is to stop having sex and masturbating. Another thing is to add lotions with vitamin E. I don't know if that actually helps but I'm going to try it for a while and see of there is any results. Also if you find a solution let me know please.
I wish I could find a way to laser them off but can’t find anything in my area 🙄
I had mine lasered off
The white bumps around the head that is. I believe they are called papules. I think
Use E45 daily lotion, it quickly dries into the skin and is not greasy. I used different creams for years before my Circ (due to balitis), this left the skin very thin post op and would suffer small splits in use that were very painful and also the remnants from stitches. Using the cream for 3months + now and no more splits, the raised scar tissue has subsided and is only visible now when erect as a scar so all is good. ( 13 months post op)
Do you mind sharing the name I’m in the San Francisco Bay area
I have the exact same thing, please tell me when u have got it sorted
Hi , I have this problem 3 months after circumcision, can you please reply and tell me if yours ever smoothed out?
2 weeks, I pulled the last few out myself
Go and get it checked with a urologist , that could be how the scarline actually healed and you might have to do a re-vision , these are possible outcomes post healing that might need to be re-done .
Realy? I’ll try that thank you.
Yes defo i had the same things around some areas , applied that and they started to subside .
Hey, you should try silicone scar gel or silicone scar sheets. It works well with these lumps after surgery!
Where do I find it can you send me a list I’ve been searching for a long time and they can’t find anything. I don’t thing the sheet will stick but the gel might work
My sister used NewGel+E after C section - her doctor said this one makes the scar softer and flatter and works well on keloid scars as it reduces collagen production. Give it some time, though. It doesn’t work overnight and may take months till you see the effect.
If I were you, I wouldn’t be bothered. Your scar really doesn’t look bad at all.
I have the same exact appearance with mine (I had my surgery 2 years ago), and honestly, I am thinking of doing a revision. I'm hoping that I get a clean, smooth, and cosmetically pleasing scar line.
Mine is lumpy due to tight stitching, and I also have these weird pale "bumps" around my scar that were created due to the holes from the stitches. It's like a vein that's "empty". The rest of the scar line just looks like a "railroad track" per se. I'm glad I'm not the only who's dealing with this.
I was circumcised the normal standard. Not too high or too low with a good amount of skin left (not too loose or too tight either). Hopefully, I have enough skin to remove for a revision. I was circumcised for medical reasons rather than cosmetic though. However, after it has fully healed, I'm not really pleased with the appearance.
I have found a urologist (who's in Atlanta, and I'm in NYC), who does revisions and the before and after photos are pretty darn excellent. Due to work/life, I have to hold off before I jump into a surgery again. However, it's something I'm definitely going to do very soon so I'll update y'all if anything.
- John
Hi JdoukI
I have the same problem:
It's been already 2,5 years and it will smoothen but only a little and all the urologist have seen, gave me the same answers too
On the other hand, girls have been with, either didn't even notice or didn't care at all (on sunlight also)
So don't overthink or overstress it too much
Hi, I have the same problem. It's been 2 months since the operation but at the places where the bumps are raised I am still in pain. I can't really have sex or masturbate, even with condom and lube, because it hurts so much. Each time after trying (which is like 3 times in the past 2 months), the bumps start swelling and hurting more again. Did you also experience pain or was the problem solely aesthethic? Hope you find the time to answer, I am very worried and only have another doctor's appointment in a month. Thanks
Hie i got circumcised 3 months ago and i have the same problem did you manage to get any help... Mine aswell is a bit itchy especially when i am cold or when i have an erection and a bit painful when it stretches. I am so worried any one with helpful information please share
It has calm down a little bit but it will never go away. I don’t have any pain anymore and it’s been but a year and a half now give it some time
I am relieved to hear this as long as it will calm down and the pain will go away i hope i will get used to have the bumps on my penis. I was more worried because i could not go back to the doctor who circumcised me since i had the procedure in another country. Thank yoy Jdouk6907.
I was recently circumcised about 3 weeks ago,I have those bumps,it is completely normal for those bumps to stay awhile,it can take up to a few years for them to go away but i promise they will,& if they dont then it is nothing to be ashamed of or worry about, masturbation might be a bit more difficult with them but it is what it is, normal intercourse aswell as oral inter course will be normal and you will be able to perform well. If it really is a bother to you though speak to your urologist and see what he/she might say, it is possible they can sew the skin together during a procedure but you need to wonder if it’s really worth going through the whole procedure if it is only affecting your masturbation.
Hey JDouk
I have the same issues with the raised bumps around the stitching and now that it’s all healed it’s turned very hard around the stitches area.
From what I have learn about scar tissue is that you can repair them by massaging it daily until it goes away. I have had other surgeries with scar tissues and massaged them out. Using man oils will help with the process. I am also trying this out as well and believe in a year it will be a lot better.
I thought it was only me but I guess my sergeant isn’t the only one doing bad stitching.
I’m not a expert in this filled, I’ve just been throw a few surgeries.
The nurse looked at it, she said the doctor is busy next door and he couldn’t see it.
He walked in 2 minutes after she said that and said “well I’m here, might as well take a look”
It’s like he knew and didn’t want to address it.
I found this post about a month after my circumcision and here I am again, a year later, still looking for answers lol. I had one of my stitches come out in the first few days and that created a lot of swelling and bleeding. Went back to my surgeon a week later and he said it looked like it was “healing perfectly”.
But now it’s over a year later and I’m left with those same raised bumps as well as what seems to be somewhat permanent swelling underneath most of the scar area.
I’m glad I found this again cuse given me some much needed closure knowing there’s other people with the same situation lol. I hope some of these suggestions have made a difference for you, and if so I would appreciate any confirmation of this!
Ever resolve this? I had my circumcision 3 months ago and I believe I might have the same thing. Any answer will be appreciated.
Any recommendations for laser surgery ?
It’s been 2 years
A quick question! I was circumcised 4 weeks ago. How long did you waited to have sex?
I have a question, when having sex, does it hurt? Is it bad if it hurt?
I was circumcised shortly after i was born....but i had the bumps later.will it shrink if i dont masterbate or have sex for long period of time