scar with the flaccid penis, whenever mastubo becomes swollen and to the agreement I also think that due to nocturnal erections
scar with the flaccid penis: scar with... - Men's Health Forum
scar with the flaccid penis

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looks as though you just had a loose circumcision, i have had one too. it looks fine when erect, and to be honest it look fine here too. does is hurt at all on the scar line?
I have been operating for two years at the end of November, I do not think this will change much more.
They are marks of the points, tomorrow when I wake up I will take a photo to see how it is.
is it painful at all?
I do not feel pain, it just bothers me visually.
Type sex partners
I'm Brazilian, the people here are very attached to appearances
No offense but you said people are attachéd to appearances, so I see you have a belly going..wouldn’t that make more of a difference if you lose a couple pounds than a little swelling on your dick? All in good taste brother

No problem, lol.
I think I need to forget this.
Honestly I looked at both pics and it doesn’t look bad bro. I mean if it’s hurting you I’d go get it checked out, if not I’d just let it be to be honest. Good luck brother 🤙🏻

I already did correction surgery, I think my body is like this.
Thank brother
How did it look at first, before your corrective surgery? When mine's is flaccid, my inner foreskin bunces up like that. Also they didn't cut much length ftom your outer foreskin, because the tight portion is still present there.
Can u post a pic of that penis erected. I wanna see justhow that skin acts and stretches out. You can call the new post (part 2). Thanks Bud
today my penis even erect the swollen was visible, I think there is not much that can be done