This is what it looked like 6 months ago, 3 weeks after my circumsicion .
3 week post open circumsicion reference... - Men's Health Forum
3 week post open circumsicion reference photo of swelling

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Correct me if I'm wrong Jay, but it seems like your shaft skin tore its stitches from your inner foreskin attachment all the way around. Your actual penis shaft meat is exposed and showing itself and creating that bloody mess..
What happened here during your 2nd-3rd week interval? Did that hurt? Where are all your stitches?
The swelling you have now after 6 months is your exposed penis meat inflaming because of the contact with the environment; it is meant to be forever concealed under penile skin. Some circumcision patient's skin do tear from erections or bad stitches, but it should never happen all of the way around...
I had many erections.... It was so sensitive because I didn't get much pain from it until it was erect...
I think my stitches we're there for a while and didn't tear. The red, that's just dried blood. He used skin glue to cover the wound and stitched it as well. The glue didn't come off until after 3 weeks.