Now are 16 days i made the circumcision.i have been to the doctor he said maby some stiches have fallen from an erection.he said nothing to worry it will heal secondary.Now i am worried because i am treating them with cicatridine crema and puting bandages on them.but ghey are not healing .and when i change the bandages its some king of yellow discarge on them ,maby an infection i dont know.?i am worried and dont know what to do.i went to the doctor three times this period and he said it looks good.any sygedtion eould be halpfull .thanks.sorry for the pic but i thought you eoulf see by yourself and give any sugestion
Circumcision made on date 7: Now are 1... - Men's Health Forum
Circumcision made on date 7

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Uper in the left side can see the stich.thats broken.i dont knoemw what that doctor has made to me.he said to me he has made an inside suture because i colud not see any stich.
Any advice ,anyone.please help me
The frenulum is always the slowest to heal. Mine looked similar to that if not worse. However if you notice any increased swelling there could be an infection.
don’t re dress the wound. Leave it exposed to the air. I just went around my house naked or you could put a dressing gown on. Sleep naked as well. You could also do some desensitising of the glans by tapping and rubbing it with your finger
Buddy, I think you need to stop wear bandages and let it get some air to dry and scab. The moisture might be causing bacteria to flourish.
I am not a doctor so take my advice with caution. Take a salt bath, and rinse with regular shower. Then make sure to dry with a paper towel. This will pull more moisture then regular towel. if you live in a humid place or your "boys" are always moist put some baby powder. This should make the perfect condition for you to scab and heal.
Hello i let it opened without bandages for 2 days and the ring shaft cones swollen again.i dont know whay .the wounds in the back near frenulum seems healed well but the ring shaft its more swollen now.the wounds are closed no dranage now.does somebody think is a sign of infection.have no pain just its more swollen the ding shaft now,because it started decrese.
This is my bed exoerience of my life.i have done it for medical reasion recurring balanitis.but know i am very worried.dont know what to do more
It was just like.a small open wojnd and something white is healed.maby thats why ring shaft started increasing again.gor the infektion