Hi, due in for circ this thurs due to phimosis problem. Leaning towards local anaesthetic rather than general but not 100% sure. Any advice from anyone who’s had it done under local? Much pain? Any feedback appreciated. many thanks
Circumcision - local or general? - Men's Health Forum
Circumcision - local or general?

Deffo general in my opinion. I'm 6 weeks post op. Arrived Hospital at 9am. Taken down for anaesthetic and op at 10, woke on ward at about 11.30, rested, had something to eat and a piss and went home at 2.30. I wasn't offered local. Either general or spinal.
Like Daz I wasn't given the choice, but I'd have insisted on general anyway. Had a local for a vasectomy 10 years ago and I wish I could have been knocked out for that!
The main difference is with general, you have to undergo more tests prior to the OP. With local the testing isn't so straining. Also, you get in, get the local, procedure is done you leave 20 minutes after procedure. With general the stay in the hospital is much longer. Don't know about you but I personally hate hospitals so the sooner I get out of there the better.
As for local anaesthetic, there isn't really any pain per se. When you get the injections into your penis base, its a few little pinches. Nothing too painful at all. The doc waits till the anaesthetic starts to work, pinching penis to test if its numb. You might feel pressure and him touching it (though I didn't much) but there is no pain whatsoever.
Also depends on your state of mind, I wasn't afraid but I was nervous, not that something would go wrong but you are awake and aware of the "cutting" going on which was a bit uncomfortable. After the procedure I could go home right away.
So it really is up to you. Local is more convenient however general is you are completely unaware. Bear in mind though, its quite unlikely but general anaesthesia is always more straining that local and carries more risk, but as I said the risk is rather minimal anyway.