Hello to anyon it may concern... Recently I went for a circumcision and after the third day I removed the bandage and from that my penis has been paining sometimes bleeding the wounds get to dry against my boxer...... Please advice on how to go about this and on how to make the wounds heal faster...... Thank you
Circumcision : Hello to anyon it may... - Men's Health Forum

I would try dipping your penis in a cup or beaker of warm salt water twice a day for 1-2 minutes. This should help to clean and heal the wounds. Pat it dry and then use an antibiotic ointment on the stitches and wounds twice a day. To stop it sticking to your underpants, line them with a melolin low adherent dressing 10x10cm and dab some Vaseline onto your glans so it doesn't stick to the dressings. You want the shiny side of the dressing towards you. I was advised not to wrap the penis in a bandaged dressing after the first day. It's very difficult to stop urine dripping back into the wrapped bandage and caked blood can make it feel like concrete - in short it becomes a haven for germs and bacteria. Hope this helps.
Thanks man n what about when pus comes out
Try and clean it away after each salt water wash. Use a clean cotton bud or tissue to do this. You could increase the salt water washes to say three times a day if it keeps on oozing. Add antibiotic ointment after you've patted it dry each time. Use a cold compress on the swelling. You could also take an anti inflammatory tablet like ibuprofen with some food which may also help the swelling.
When I’m leaving the house i put antibiotic cream around the wound and then wrap it up with gauze. I then use a wrap to put it around the penis to keep the gauze in place.
Vaseline will help stop it sticking, you could also use Melonin dressings. These are square dressings with one shiny side to stop sticking. I would wear tight pants to stop movement while out and about. When home alone nothing down below or a loose fitting dressing gown.
Something cool on the area, not directly, will ease swelling. The pus should stop as the wound heals.