Circumcision 7 days ago, swelling still... - Men's Health Forum

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Circumcision 7 days ago, swelling still present, pictures attached

AyJay94 profile image
8 Replies

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hey guys, been following these types of forums for the past week as the information given to me about post-surgery care wasn't the greatest.

I circumcised exactly a week ago due to phimosis and steroid creams not working, first day or two I was good, then I was bleeding where the frenulum was cut, I just held it tight to help coagulate the blood.

I got night time erections which have reduced because I no longer drink fluids after 6pm. My erections I feel is stopping me from recovering because it pains so much when I get an erection.

I am constantly keeping it dry and wrapped in tissue, I was using gauze before but now I just keep the tissue around my penis fixed with an cosy but no so tight elastic band.

The head is extremely sensitive as expected but when does this begin to subside?

I have this ballooned area just below the stitches area, is this cause for concern? When will it begin going down?

I had to go work on my 5th recovery day, as a waiter, I came home and my shaft had swollen up a bit, so I have taken the entire week off. I only have time off until this Friday which would be my 11th recovery day, how can I aid healing?

How long before you guys were able to pull back your foreskin?

Regarding the stitches, some of them are peeling off, what do I do with them?

Sorry for the pictures attached, I just wanted to show some visual confirmation of my current state.

Thanks in advance

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8 Replies
KBo3 profile image

What's going on bro? Had mine 4 weeks today (dorsal slit) - first 14 days man try and get just rest, eat clean and relax. Bathing it in salt water 3-5 times a day and vaseline the stitches before you sleep. Not going to lie though, I literally pretty much identical swelling to you, I genuinely thought this was my post for a second. 4 weeks later, I still have a similar amount of swelling left, my surgeon said this could take up to 6 months to go down which is a bit shite but what can you do? Sensitivity has gone down to the point where I spent 4 days in Barcalona walking around and didn't notice it much. I'm still salt water bathing hoping this ballooning swelling does go down. It's easy to think the worst but I'd just be realistic and realise that this will probably take a while to get back into some normality. Keep your head up (no pun intended) and feel free to message me if you have any questions.

AyJay94 profile image
AyJay94 in reply to KBo3

similar swelling wow, tbh I literally wish I could rewind time and not do it but I had to get it done, it just strains moving so much, this recovery sucks man 😭

when you say salt water, you mean like bath salts or table salt? I think submerging your penis that many times a day can slow recovery maybe?

When were you able to start pulling your foreskin?

Each day were you covering the head of the penis with anything?

Mattinik profile image
Mattinik in reply to AyJay94

Sea salt man not table salt

KBo3 profile image
KBo3 in reply to AyJay94

I had to get mine done too, I snapped my banjo badly whilst having sex and when the banjo grew back, it was half on and completely lost its elasticity. I had tried everything. I really regretted it after the swelling as I'd never come across it but seems quite a few people get it. Just takes a long time to go down. Pain will 100% subside in another 14 days, just be patient bro, think about if someone sliced open a part of your hand and then stitched it back, it would still look pretty gnarly after 7 days. Trust me check my post, I felt the same way.

I would vaseline the stitches before applying gauze when I went back to work after 11/12 days because the stitched where my banjo were like fu**ing spikes and I couldn't see how they were possibly gonna fall out but keep using sea salt and then air it out naturally. I'd also vaseline the stitches when I went to sleep then only slept lying on my back for the first 14 days, it's grim but it has to be done bro.

With swelling like that, I found it really hard to pull anything back, the swelling was taking most of the flexibility away but over the last week, it's been way easier to pull back so I guess the swelling has subsided a little. If you don't get time to soak it 3-5 times a day then during the day, I'd soak a wipe in warm sea water and wrap it tightly around and you'll be surprised how much gunk it'll soak through. If you're not sure about using sea salt, just read other posts on here on recovery. I'm still feeling like shit looking down at it but I have to accept that it'll take a while, I just hope I don't have too much skin leftover so I need another one. Sorry for the essay. All you can do it keep it clear of infection and in ideal healing conditions and the rest is up to your body. I've cleaned up my diet every more and I'm only eating clean with nutrient dence food because I think that'll help too 🤷🏽‍♂️

AyJay94 profile image
AyJay94 in reply to KBo3

hey man, wow it snapped during sex 😭😭😭 that eould have been me if I had sex but I'd never be able to pull my foreskin back too much because my banjo would get tight and I'd just limit my strokes 😭 life was tough in bed 😂

Shouldn't the penis be dry when it's recovering, some say keep it dry during the night and let it recover, others say use Vaseline 🤔 so confused lol, tried to call my dcotor for advice and they said come in if you're worried, I explained I wasn't worried, just want to know recovery advice and what to look out for and timeline information, they explaind they don't do that, really disappointed in post-surgery information but hey ho, just me and my penis I guess lool

I'll try the soaks all of today and hopefully aid recovery.

So how many weeks in could you pull back your foreskin?

and how many weeks in could you notice the swelling going down?

We got this man, soon we will be stroking like before if not better 😂💯

I'm a week post today as well and have got exactly the same swelling around the top before the stitches. Do you find that you are still bleeding at all from time to time?

AyJay94 profile image
AyJay94 in reply to

I find blotches of blood but that is recovery I guess, if you look at the picture, the swelling that is ballooned near my fingers, that little fold between the balloons and my glans (penis head) I pull back my skin ever so slightly and find a bit of blood leaks from there every day but I guess I just need to let it recover.

I guess I am slowly getting used to the pain but it's just the whole going back to work in 3 days time that is daunting.

in reply to AyJay94

Thank you for that just wanting to make sure I wasn't experiencing anything unusual

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