Can't pull my forensic back and it hurts when I try
Can't get my forskin to pull back - Men's Health Forum
Can't get my forskin to pull back

Firstly how old are you as you age can affect ability to pull back skin?
How long have you had the problem?
14 I've never been to be able do it
How bad is it? Does it come part way back or not at all?
At 14 there's a good chance it will sort itself in time.
I'm guessing you don't want to speak to your parents about it?
Try soaring in a warm bath and pulling it back whilst in the bath. It can help and make the skin softer.
Don't force it or cause pain. Doing this each time in the bath or shower can help the skin to stretch.
It's really common and you don't need to worry, especially at such a young age where you are still going through puberty.
I'm nearly 37 and had the problem for many years before getting an operation to sort it 12 days ago.
Will it work if I do it ?
No guarantees as I don't know how bad it is but it's a starting point. If not the doc can give you some steroid cream which over time helps the skin to stretch. The cream is presc8only so you would need see doc. Don't be embarrassed about showing doc. They've all seen it a thousand times before.
I can pull it back when I'm not erect but when I'm erect I can't why's this
Soaking not soaring. Damn predictive text!
You have phimosis. I had it too until a few years ago. I also couldn't retract my foreskin when my penis was erect. At 17 I got circumcised. I think you still can wait a few years but if I was you I would't wait and let myself circumcised. I wished I did it at 14!
It’s not critical while you’re still young. Are you able to get a finger from each hand into the opening?