Of all the questions I’ve asked on here, this is probably the most embarrassing. I was circumcised just 9 days ago and I’ve just woken up as I was ejaculating. I don’t know how I did it, I just did while I was asleep. The doctor said not to for 6 weeks but if this becomes a regular thing while I sleep I don’t really have a choice. What are the consequences of masturbating this soon after the operation? I’ve had no pain as of yet from this.
Masturbation after circumcision - Men's Health Forum
Masturbation after circumcision

Just thought I’d add that it doesn’t seem like any of the stitches have moved
And this is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this in my sleep
all i got to say is your lucky lol ..i wish that would happen to me ..my left ball down to my entire leg is hurting so bad ..i wish i could release but this my second time getting circumcised in 4 month and i just want it to heal and be done with it. aslong your stitches are still in place you should be good i would assume.. the insides had nothing to do with the actual cut... thats just my opinion thou. hope everything works out!
It will vary from person to person.
I wanked gently most days from day 10 onwards without any issues.
Back to normal sex from day 27.
I'm 3 months post op now and all is fantastic.
I can't leave it alone now and neither can the wife!
I think when the doctors use the common 6 weeks, they are referring to the time it will take the most unideal patient such as a 60 year old with diabetes. I might be mistaken but it takes a new born about 10 days to heal. It took me about 2.5 weeks to feel it has healed 90% of the way.
I'm not a doctor, but here's my understanding of the situation:
Ejaculating is harmless to your circumcision, whether in the daytime or in your sleep. It's just the erection that may give you concern. That was a 'nocturnal emission.' It is quite common, especially in people who don't regularly ejaculate in the daytime. It's your body's way of getting rid of excess semen or keeping the plumbing working right. The doctors realize that erections are inevitable and circumcisions are done in such a way that if you should have an erection it won't hurt anything. Well, it may hurt - you may feel pain - but you'll still heal up just fine.
On the other hand, there was a doctor John Harvey Kellogg who was a real nut case. He decided all on his own, that masturbation is a bad thing. Therefore he had to do something about it. His cure: He would install metal sutures in adolescent boys' penises so that they couldn't have erections without considerable pain. This is for real! You may recognize his name. He and his brother are the founder of Kelloggs corn flakes. They had also figured out (wrongly) that eating bland food would reduce the young boys' libido. Now, later, the doctor's brother figured out that coating the corn flakes in sugar was a good idea. Maybe all that sugar did reduce libido, but in any case it was probably a major factor in millions of cases of diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.
I put a link to a picture and an article about our great Dr. Kellogg at medibation.com/kelloggs.php - Cheers! - Jeremy