Dieting: Gentlemen. I've been cutting... - Men's Health Forum

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I've been cutting down, exercising and losing weight for a little over a year now and i've done well: I've lost 7 n a half stone.

I'm wondering if anyone has any potential diet plans or programs they could recommend. I just feel I can do more!

Any help or advice is welcomed!

9 Replies
crstein profile image


Those are fantastic results. Well done.

Could I ask how you developed and maintained the motivation for this? What diet are you following? What exercise plan? Who is supporting you? What are your goals for the next three months? How are you charting this?

I have, on and off, given up breakfast and not had my first meal until about 12:30 or 13:00. I drink water, tea and coffee between waking up and the first meal. I have always maintained a healthy weight for my frame but I am getting a little older and my metabolism has changed meaning I gain weight more easily. Not eating breakfast gives my system a good break as my last meal is usually around 9pm and I generally feel vibrant up to my first meal.

I tend to then eat a lot for dinner and across the day I'm consuming as many calories as I would normally but in more focused time frames.

It has worked for me. Food for thought.

in reply to crstein

Thanks a lot for the positivity!

My motivation came from being 24+ stone and not wanting to be the fat guy anymore. Was diagnosed with a bone cancer at 22, got through that and had recurrence a few years ago in my lungs. I decided that, basically: fuck it. So what if I have cancer, it won't stop me.

As for dirt, I'm not really following one. I just cut out milk and sugar from hot drinks, switched out soda for water and control my portions. I eat fresh meat and vegetables instead of fried foods as much. Cut back snacking too.

I have a few friends I run with now and again but mostly I'm doing it alone, gives me freedom to do it when I feel like it!

I had a gym instructor help me with a weight program but my cardio I've done myself.. From being too scared to use the treadmill, to getting on and walking on a slight incline, to power walking at 10% incline to a slow jog for a few minutes and now regular 5k jogging outdoors and HIIT treadmill after weight routine!

Goals ultimately are to lose another 2 stone and begin toning up. I use to chart Is the my fitness pal app and Fitbit! just feel like I've plateaued and can't break through it!

oshb5 profile image
oshb5 in reply to

I admire your skill to lose all that weight. I myself have ballooned to 24+ stone and have decided to try and do something about it. But I have a huge problem. I can do as you have cut out this and hat eat fresh meat. Im not into snacking so that I cannot do Finally will need to watch my portions. Now I do have bad depression so even though I say I am going to try and diet. Its not sure but now I have reached this weight I think it might give me the motivation. The only other thing is exercise in that I cannot hardly walk Say 15m at the most and its not because of weight its to do with heart disease and angina also the pain in my knees and back as well as me being very breathless after any physical exertion. So other than lowering my food intake I do not know what else I can do. But it would be nice to get some off as this might then help the strain on my knees back and general fitness?

Regards Os

in reply to oshb5

Hi Osh,

Sorry for the delay in replying, I don't get notifications!

I struggled in the beginning with exercise! I joined a gym and began on the cross trainer and recumbant bikes. I found them easier. Throw in some weight training too. 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

When I began feeling fit enough to start walking/jogging I used the treadmill programs. I'd use a heart rate program (I forget which exactly) - But you enter your weight and age into the machine and it'll suggest heart rate zone. I started walking and keeping my heart rate in the "fat burn" zone. The treadmill would alter incline instead of speed. I did it for a couple of weeks, then upped the pace by .1 or .2 - By the time I felt ready for jogging I was doing an hour of walking on inclines at 4mph.

I stuck at that for a month or so, so I had a fairly decent base.

Once I felt comfortable with that I would jog at 5mph for just maybe 5 minutes then go back to my walking. I'd up it slowly and set a mile pace target:

"I want to complete a mile jog in 12 minutes in the next 3weeks" - Once complete i'd do it another week; at which time i'd just set off at the same pace but increase it again by .1 for aslong as it felt comfortable, then drop back to the original.

Ultimately if the pain of walking / running is getting you i'd suggest the recumbant bike for a start! Maybe 10-15minutes on Cross trainer.

Biggest bits of advice I have would be:

- Ask the instructors! They're there to help!

- Dont expect immediate results. Keep at it, it's slow but so so rewarding!

- Go at your pace on machines. Build up slowly where you're comfortable; if it hurts you'll not want to do it.

- Set yourself exercise targets: don't be worried if they take a little longer then you want, just remember where you came from!

I'll end with this: I was 24st 4 when I started and I ran for 30 seconds and that was it. I'd sweat walking down the street;

Yesterday I ran for 4.5miles cross country yesterday. A slow time but around 18 months ago I'd of laughed at anyone suggesting even 1/10th that distance!

Hiya, that are some amazing results! You should take a look at the work Man v Fat is doing: They are a great help in weight loss motivation, diet tips and weight loss transformations especially for men!

in reply to

I'll be sure to check this out buddy, thank you!

crstein profile image

Well done for all the positive achievement thus far. Your approach sounds very healthy and rational.

You might want to have a look at eating patterns such as Palaeo Diet or intermittent fasting. I would say that whatever you choose to do, try to make sure they are for health reasons and not aesthetic reasons. When they are for health reasons, your chances of sticking with them will greatly increase. Ask yourself things like: what is my energy level like generally? How do I feel when walking and climbing stairs? Am I able to move freely without pain? As you start to answer those questions positively, ask how you can improve your function. The aim could be to do what you do more effectively and efficiently as opposed to just looking good.

All the best.

in reply to crstein

My intention is to improve my health. I've begun noticing how easy things are, like stairs and running. I'm trying to beat my times and go longer. Toning up is mainly for myself, I wanna look at myself and see someone as healthy as I feel!

Thank you for the palaeo suggestion I'll certainly take a look into it!

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