I've been thinking about a circumcision procedure for awhile now and I went over it with my girlfriend and she told me to explore my options before I do anything. So is there any stretches or movements that can loosen the foreskin?
Circumcision alternative : I've been... - Men's Health Forum
Circumcision alternative

Hi Jay, Unless you have an urgent medical need, I'd recommend delaying the circumcision for a few months while you try a stretching exercise. Whereas circumcision can be a fairly quick fix for some men (only a few weeks of inconvenience and pain), you'll discover by reading this forum, that there can also be severe complications or long recovery periods.
So, the stretching exercise is super-simple: Become erect, then pull back your foreskin to the point where it hurts very slightly, but not beyond that, and hold it for at least several seconds. Repeat ten or twelve times. Do the exercise a few times a day if you can.
You won't see improvement overnight. Some boys and men have spent more than a year to get the desired results. There are so many reports of the exercise working , that if you're patient, it will probably work for you, too.
Now, this may be embarrassing, but if you can ask a trusted friend or family member to help (keeping it all non-sexual, of course), you'll be more likely to do the exercise regularly, and the person may be willing to pull back just a little harder than you'd do for yourself.
Cheers, - Jeremy, Medibation.com
Same ere mate, first op got cancelled and no I’ve put it off, Wonna explore other stretching options before the op! Gonna be the last resort that, Wonna keep my skin 🙈

You have a keeper girl friend. For sure, you have options, and they work. Go to willywellbeing.com, a site at which you can receive personal coaching through alternative options. Your program needs to be overseen by experts. A tight foreskin is not a valid indication for circumcision.
Yes! Search for 'Phimosis Cure'
I had phimosis and I thought about my options aswell.Those stretch thingys or cremes didnt really help.Just go for circumcision,sexual contact won't be painful that way and trust me,it's much better
Nah they working. My thing was just excess