It has been three months since the circumcision surgery, but the swelling around the area is still very pronounced.
3 months circumcision sweling still p... - Men's Health Foru...
3 months circumcision sweling still pronounced

Recovery from any surgery will vary from individual to individual. If you are worried about your recovery, please contact your doctor or surgeon.
Hi there, hope you're okay. Swelling is a big part of the recovery for this operation. I still had swelling around the scar line until months 4 and 5, and then it all suddenly started to subside and comfort levels increased massively. We all heal at different rates and it's important to remember that if you can see improvement then it is still healing and working right. We all heal at different rates - as an older man (40 years in my case) my healing time was longer than the leaflets suggested and I learned to take no notice and just focus on healing at my pace. Do speak to your doctor if concerned.