Tight frenulum 3 months after circumc... - Men's Health Foru...

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Tight frenulum 3 months after circumcision

23 Replies

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Hi guys,

So I had a circumcision 3 months ago and my frenulum was left by my surgeon (didn't get a say in the matter as it was due to Phimosis)

I went to the GP but they gave me two creams to use for a couple of weeks, I would like to know has anyone else had this issue and if so did the creams work or will I have to get it removed?

How long is the healing process for removing frenulum? Very frustrated as I've healed and can have sex but the tightness is causing me alot of anxiety. My inner foreskin isn't normally as red I have put the cream on.

Thanks in advance for responses!

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23 Replies
John12123 profile image

What creams did they give you

in reply to John12123

One was an antiseptic which says for eyes on the box but the GP made me aware, and not too sure about the other. Will get the names shortly here

in reply to

Ones called Dermovate ointment and the other is chloramphenicol

John12123 profile image
John12123 in reply to

I don't think its going to help. I think you just have to have another surgery to get it removed

in reply to John12123

Why do you say that?

MrMac99 profile image

Hi, you probably will need to have it released if it is uncomfortable. it's a simple procedure and should heal up quite quickly. the creams your GP give you they are probably steroid creams they should help but when you stop using them your problem may return.

in reply to MrMac99

Hi bud thanks for the reply. How long would it take to heal up? I've heard it can be pretty uncomfortable...but I went though a grim circumcision healing so hopefully I can manage.

It's not overly uncomfortable but it does make me anxious when I'm having sex that it could snap which I'm worried about, but it does feel like it's holding the head back.

Have you had yours removed?

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to

It should heal up quite quickly it can be slower when you have it done with a circumcision it's usually the last place to heal then. but in your case I think it should be quite quick but see how the creams go for you first. you have healed quite well from your circumcision.

I had mine removed when I was circumcised you can have a look at my post.

in reply to MrMac99

Ok that's not as bad as I thought, thanks for the advice bro! Also how's the sensitivity where your frenulum used to be? And any advice for healing that area if I have to get it removed (or saltwater baths/dressings) I was left with no aftercare after the circumcision.

Sorry for bombarding with questions just anxious about getting it done especially having setbacks during the circumcision

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to

That's no problem man glad to answer any questions if I can.

I didn't have any issue with sensitivity I did find after the circumcision I did lose the find touch sensitivity but that wasn't a problem for me. If you do decide to have it done you probably will have it dressed for a few days the salted water in a small bowl to gently wash I found that very good. I'm sorry to hear you had some setbacks with your recovery it does happen but from your photo everything looks to be fine now.

Hi can hi ask when you have sex do you use any lube

in reply to

Oh yes, for msturbation and sex lots of lube, less friction on the scarline

in reply to

Ok think you should go to doc see what they say but it does look ok good luck and have a nice Christmas

xhardwarex profile image

I had a similar, though worse situation after my circ. I ended up going in for a follow-up about 6 months later for an "untethering". Recovery was quick and easier than the circ, and everything was much better at that point.

in reply to xhardwarex

Hi bud, thanks for sharing that. Did you find any issues with extra sensitivity loss when you got it removed? The creams seem to be working a bit for me but I'm still undecided about getting it done because I know once I stop using them it can get worse again?

xhardwarex profile image
xhardwarex in reply to

Personally, I had no issues with sensitivity loss. I never bothered with the cream because I had wanted my frenulum removed originally anyway, as I preferred the look.

Hi bud, I feel that would be the best, seems like part of my frenulum is fine but there is part of it which is very tight. I have a feeling it's due to being restitched after circ around the frenulum area. I suffered from horrible Phimosis where I could never retract my foreskin so would the tightness be down to it not being stretched properly?

Update guys: so been using the steroid cream from my GP and it's working well so far. First three weeks applied once a day with stretching. Now down to once every other day and stretching everyday. It's much more comfortable than before still tight feeling which is nice during masturbation/sex but not feeling like it's gonna tear.

mengele profile image
mengele in reply to

Hey, man, I have the same problem. It's been 5 months post operation, but my frenulum is still very very tight. You can check pictures here:


I also bought the Dermovate cream. Could you please give advice on the stretching process? If you want you can write me DM, it's not a problem. Sorry for this question, but I don't know how to stretch it actually. Is there any specific way, because I can only massage it?

I've been doing this for the past 3 weeks and it seems to be positive so far, definitely loosening up. My GP told me to cut using the cream down to every other day then once a week but to continue stretching so it doesn't relapse. This helped thank you 👍

Larry459 profile image

How are you now

Jack1985 profile image

How are you now? Any update you can share.

You can ask to have the frenulum disconnected where it meets the glass. That should solve the problem.

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