does anyone know how long this swelling is supposed to last? i had to recover from a secondary wound so not sure if that has anything to do with it,but does anyone have any tips on how to make swelling go down faster? any help would be appreciated
nearly 3 months since circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
nearly 3 months since circumcision

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8 months for me and still swollen. Did the doctor say it will take a year?
in all fairness he did say it could take up to a year or two for my penis to look normal again so maybe it is just the case of waiting it out.have you noticed much change over those 8 months?
I will be at the 6 month mark in a few days and am still swollen. Hasn’t really gotten worse or better though.
oh.i guess its best at this moment in time just to keep using bio oil and massaging that and hopefully over time that will help.cheers for your message
Hey Man, it's looking really good especially after having secondary wound healing keep going with the Bio-Oil. the swelling will eventually go down it does take some time.
It pretty much took mine a year...
What age are you?
They say the older the patient the longer it takes...least my doctor told me that.
It’ll go down mate don’t worry! That was my concern too, I got cut about 4 weeks ago. Keep the penis upright (to your belly button) will help reduce swelling!
I should have someone else has said, keep it pointed upwards ..wearing snug fitting briefs will help.
When it settles, it will look great.
Wrapping it firmly at night time with an elastic wrap like you would on a sprained joint will help move the fluid away. Firm pressure but don’t strangle it- you may need to cut the elastic wrap to a shorter length to fit and take several tries to get a good fit that isn’t too tight. Start at the head (leave the tip open so you can pee) and work your way wrapping down a little past the circumcision scarline- remove in the morning. Try this for a week. You should see improvement. Your penis will swell for a year or so. Expect it to periodically come back with rough sex or masturbation. It will gradually go away.
i mean i didn’t think of that,but i guess its something worth trying if i want to try something new
Why is it proposed to wrap it at night? Moreover, how does that work with the night erections, did you experience any pain ?
Like any other part of our body when we have an injury, we tend to still move around out of necessity. At rest, like in the evening when you might finally sit down, swelling tends to set in from that day's activities. After a circumcision, even weeks after the procedure, you might find that your penis is more swollen at night because of the rubbing, moving and bending you might do during the day. It was proposed by my doctor to wrap with elastic wrap at night to keep fluid from collecting in the penis where it would be difficult to naturally drain. The elastic wrap has give to it, so it can accommodate an erection. We are not talking a cement cast here. It has give to it and you should not be wrapping so tightly that it cuts off circulation. It's gentle pressure, just like you'd wrap an ankle or other body part after a sprain.
It's frustrating. I am in 5th week now and still swollen. I have read it can take upto 5 months although I am hoping it will not be that long. I am (you should be) able to achieve orgasm but intercourse you are looking at 10 - 12 weeks. It understand it is just a matter of time and each person is different. Looks fine although should be less swelling by now. I would say the extra surgery has an impact on that. bath twice a day in a glass of potent salt water and melt an ice cube (salty) two or three times a day over the swelling.
Actually looks really nice to me. Take your time and enjoy the ride. The final destination will provide hours of enjoyment.
Beautiful circumcision. Where did the secondary wound take place?
you can use any. I used table salt dissolved in hot water then allowed to cool at room temperature and bathe twice a day. It is helping but as with anything it is taking it's time. I'm in 5th week now and still swollen.