Snip, snip, stitch: I had it done... - Men's Health Foru...

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Snip, snip, stitch

JohnMorrison profile image
4 Replies

I had it done, finally. Posted 2 years ago when I was looking into circumcision and I finally had my circumcision. It was to remove BXO which formed on the foreskin and made a ring all the way around the shaft about 1/3 the way down from the head. To visualize it, it was like an asparagus elastic (those wide ones) that created a tight area and made it impossible to pull the skin down normally. I could still JO, but sex would hurt if the skin was retracted under pressure. The shaft is wider as you go down and trying to pull it back further would stretch the surface skin which would then split as it is delicate skin. This was more painful than the surgery I just had. The BXO skin started from a small rub burn and healed as a little whitish spot, smooth, and otherwise normal, but then spread under the skin in a linear pattern. To JO regularly likely didn't help over time as the skin would tear when pulled back just a little and heal as skin does by leaving a scar. Repeating this process of the skin stretching, scaring, and healing creates skin that lost its elasticity. I did try stretching the skin which would lead to surface tears but I could never stretch the skin long enough to make it work. Eg. you would need a device like a reverse clamp that holds the skin stretched for weeks and allows you to keep stretching it until the stretch cracks healed. Maybe then it would heal and remain stretched out, but otherwise, it heals when relaxed and not stretched and that causes all those tears to heal tighter than the last time.

I also tried cortisone cream for 3 months in the beginning but it didn't help. I think doctors should either provide an injection of it, or try antibiotics, or immune boosters. IMO, BXO was just waiting for me when having a lowered immune system, but had that not been the case, I likely wouldn't have known about this site or the term BXO.

(This part is just based on my experience - BXO is something that can start from a wound to the skin. That leads me to think it could be bacterial, but because of the pre-mentioned events at the time of my BXO starting. I am quite sure my immune system was low. It happened while I was on a medication which lead to no sexual desire and while JO, couldn't sustain an erection. Hence the skin burn lol. I was beating that meat and nothing. Once i got off the meds after a month, things went back to normal sexually speaking, but the BXO had already begun. The meds are known to cause possible affects on the immune system and I noticed other changes like injuries/cuts/bites weren't healing as quick as they used to. I was inactive, gaining weight too. Drink too many energy drinks which are other factors that likely don't help. That being said, I never get sick but that doesn't mean I couldn't have low WBC, anemia, or heart issues. Eg. my heart rate was high 40s after the surgery and I'm 60+ lbs overweight, so I can't claim it is because I'm in peak physical condition.

Back to the procedure. There are different methods doctors use to circumcise. Some put a moghan? clamp under the skin, pull the skin over it and then it slices around the shaft and they glue and stitch it. The doctor I asked about his process said they would cut most of the foreskin away and put me under to do it. I chose a different doctor to get only the area that was impacted cut away so I would keep most of my foreskin and only lose about 1" in the area of the ring.

For those who are nervous, I would say, don't be. The needles they use are very small and I barely felt a pinch and after the 1st, the rest go unnoticed. I had a cauterizing knife? pen? wand? used to cut the skin away that was damaged. Didn't feel anything but when I did, it just felt like a device that was blowing bursts of air. No pain from it. There was the mild smell of burning skin since it is cauterizing. It felt like pressure when the doctor was pulling the bad skin off.

The entire procedure took about 30 mins. 1 doctor, 1 nurse. Then some time in recovery with an OJ and crackers before they let you go home. I drove, but they recommend someone pick you up.

That was 2 days ago. I took the wrap off yesterday in the shower and everything looks great. The foreskin is very swollen. Looks like Kenny from South Park or a Pig in a Blanket appetizer. Little blood spotting but that only lasted a day.

No pain after the surgery either so either I was lucky and had a great doctor, or this procedure is really pretty straight forward.

Why did I keep the skin remaining vs a full cut or similar? Because foreskin has a purpose which is to protect the head and it has lots of nerve endings which cause sensation, and the skin plays a big part in good sex (IMO. No need for lube as the skin slides back and forth over the shaft during sex and masturbation. I honestly never knew why in movies, the guy always had to get some tissues and lotion ha ha. Lotion is just messy and unnecessary with foreskin. And for the woman, it means no drying out vaginas, or friction burn which make sex painful.

Hoping my stitches heal without leaving much scaring. They look clean. No discharge or other concerns.

If you have to get it done, go for it and know that it should be a simple and pain free procedure. Note, I didn't have a full circumcision, so if that is your plan, I really can't comment on the healing process. The surgery should be similar in that it shouldn't hurt, but when I see circumcised photos, there seems to be a scar of 1" in width and some look like they healed oddly. My procedure looks more like a few stitches on your arm. Clean stitches, little scab or blood.

I wanted to post back here since this site helped me become more educated on the process. There are videos on youtube that show you the process and it looks bad. I was talking with my doctor during the procedure, cracking jokes, and asking questions.

I wish my doctor discussed what he was cutting and how he was going to do it. I tried and I got the impression he was feeling like I was coaching him. I wanted about 1" or less above the band to 1" below the band cut away. That I thought would keep the healthy skin near the head where the nerve endings are, and cut away enough of the skin that might have BXO. I now have some concerns he didn't cut enough away due to hearing I wanted to keep as much foreskin as possible. What I meant by that statement was that I didn't want a tight cut or cutting away healthy skin for no reason. The range I provided looked like it would cover the bad skin and just a little of the health, thus removing all BXO skin. In 2 weeks it should be healed to notice how it went and looks. At least I could have it done again if needed. I have concerns if they did a full cut and then my skin is too tight when erect. I read a lot of posts from men who had been circumcised as a kid and don't have enough skin when hard which leads to painful tearing.

Longwinded but hope this helps your decision.

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4 Replies
JohnMorrison profile image

Follow-up 30-minutes later. Took a shower to wash it and noticed the doctor burn the top of my penis head with the cauterizing tool. I recall feeling a moment where I thought he burnt me while talking to me and not paying attention to the tool. There is not other explanation and there is no reason it was part of the procedure. Hopefully it heals fine. Disappointed now because I would hope your doctor would admit doing something like that as there was no way I wouldn't find out soon. This gives me some concern if the BXO where to spread there. TBD,

Man7Cut profile image
Man7Cut in reply to JohnMorrison

Hey hope you're doing well man and everything is healing up for you despite the burn. I had a bad time myself and glad I had the snip so hope it works out for you too

JohnMorrison profile image
JohnMorrison in reply to Man7Cut

It's been 1 week. A few stitches have already fallen out. A small split in the skin likely where 1 of those stitches was. I can't really tell how it is doing because I haven't seen my surgeon to confirm. Personally I think it's worse and will likely have to do it all over. I'm very predictive in life as I analyze the crap out of everything. I don't think he used enough stitches so the healing is going to be slower and uglier than needed. I'm looking now and I feel like me trying to pull my foreskin back (only had a piece in the middle of the shaft removed) and I can't because I'm worried I'll rip stitches out and where it is stitched feels tighter now than it was before. It's still really swollen (looks like Kenny with his hood up). I also think the BXO is taking hold due to the wounds, but for all I know the surgery triggered an STI. I've never tested positive, but the appearance fits the possibility of herpes, or friction blisters, or maybe this is what BXO looks like on the head vs where it was on the shaft outside skin. I'm a little annoyed I can't get any advice besides sitting in a hospital for 10hrs waiting for a doctor who is not experienced to give me better advice than I can give myself. I know if I went down they would tell me to see my surgeon, but he's been OOO for the week and I didn't get a callback today after speaking with the receptionist.

I would advise anyone getting a circumcision to have a 1-1 with the doctor to understand everything they plan to do. A knife would be a cleaner cut than a cauterizing tool. (Google them because I think they all use electric current and can possibly explode the penis - no joke. If there is a short-circuit, remember your penis is all fluid. I can tell you I felt the current a few times from the wire they had laying across my knee. It felt like it was burning me/felt like a tense machine on high for some reason when the tool was turned on. I think he was pressing a button because he was testing me to verify if I could feel it. The assumption was that it was just a nerve being sensitive. Personally, I think it was the current crossing through the wire into my knee exactly where the cable was. My frenulum was cut and I don't think there was any need. It appears to me like the BXO is visible at the start of the cut there. The burn on the head was an accident but I think it could have been prevented. My doctor was telling me a joke when it happened, or if not then, was talking to me about something else. Maybe putting the tool down when not used should be a practice rather than just holding it willy-nilly. No pun intended. It looks like that burn will leave a scar on the head but have to wait for it to heal.


Man7Cut profile image
Man7Cut in reply to JohnMorrison

Sounds like you've had a bad time. It's way too early to tell how things will turn out when healed. Like you I was swollen to 3 times the size so it was difficult to see what was going on. All you can do is keep it clean and wait. Again like you I was only cut enough to clear the infection and remove the adhesions. When I see others they look totally different. Aftercare isn't that great and you don't get detailed advice before or after, you just muddle along. The burn on your glans shouldn't have happened. I would try some medical grade honey on it as it's good for burns and helps prevent scarring.We all do it but try not to think of the worst case scenario and hope it goes well

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