I’m 19 and I was circumcised when I was 16 due to phimosis. I was never able to retract my foreskin fully ever, this worried me because I knew sex was not gonna be enjoyable at all. 3 years later, my penis fully healed without a problem, but there was still an issue. When my penis is flaccid , the head of my penis is covered by skin of the shaft. So the head is never exposed when my penis is flaccid, I have to pull the skin from the shaft back to expose the glands. When erect my penis head is fully exposed. I can touch and rub the head when I take a shower. When I masterbate I don’t touch the head, unless I use lotion, but when I try to stay on the head it becomes uncomfortable. I could explain the feeling like the sensitivity you feel after you ejaculate. I have tried using a fleshlight to see if I could use it but my penis glands were still to sensitive. I know that the head is supposed to be the most pleasure able part of the penis, but unfortunately I cant feel this pleasure. Any advice will be well appreciated.
Update: thanks for all the responses, here’s a comment I left giving more info.
Thanks for responding clay. I don’t have a partial circumcision, I have a circumcision scar line and there is no foreskin at all. But when my penis is flaccid it kind of inverts itself, which results in the skin of the shaft itself covering over the head. I was thinking of buying some tape for sensitive skin, and taping the shaft skin back so the glands are fully exposed when flaccid; and do this for a couple months so the glands get fully keratinized.
Should I add some photos so you guys can get a better picture of what I’m talking about so I could get the best advice possible, no homo.