Morning all,
I'm 40 yrs old and finally decided to get the op done, probably about 5 or 10 years too late!
Healing seems to be going reasonably well, head of the penis is really sensitive but gather thats pretty normal.
My main issues seem to be on the top of the penis, below the stiches, its become quite red where there is a little fold below the stiches. I'm in two minds of trying to give this area some air by gentle exposing the fold or perhaps the stiches are starting to dissolve (I'm 11 days post op) and just to keep the area clean and let it do its thing?
Other area is the shaft of the penis feels much thicker than normal and kind of lumpy in places. At night I wake up with the pain of getting erections and it doesnt feel lumpy then, just try and get rid of the erection as quick as I can and back to sleep.
In terms of cleaning I've really just been using warm water but from reading some other posts may get some anti bacterial soap or mild childrens soap??
Any advise on the above much appreciated!