I came here looking for something else, but when I saw this circumcision forum I thought I'd share my experience. Long story short... I got it done about 13-14 years ago when I was 32 or so years old. Best decision I've made!
I had always preferred cut looking penises, plus did not like the smell or having to clean it all the time. I also have a pretty big and thick dick, and a lot of skin that would strangle when I was hard and pulled back.
The surgery was pretty quick, I remember feeling a few of the anesthesia injections and then I remember feeling a jolt when he cut the frenulum. But it was like a little shock.
The recovery was hard, literally. I had to keep ice on it and I would get hard all the time and pop the stitches. I also had an infection on one or 2 stitches. I went back to the doc and he said it was fine. I remember that it sucked big time and it was painful to wake up hard.
I can't remember exactly how long I was able to go without JO, but maybe 7 days later I was trying to beat it with stitches and all. I used to JO 2x a day back then, so you can imagine how hard it was not to do it for several days following the surgery. It just got easier and less painful as the stitches either absorbed or were removed, I can't remember how the stitches were removed.
I MUCH prefer my dick after it was all said and done. I have never looked back. It's low maintenance and pretty. So if it bothers you, go for it!