do guys who have been done feel more confident with sex and even you can be rougher and just crack on in n go for it rather than being cautious of ripping any foreskin?
life after the cut: do guys who have... - Men's Health Foru...
life after the cut

Absolutely! I always had to hold back with full thrusting for fear of ripped foreskin or frenulum, both had happened. Now I can really give it some. Last longer too, which means when you do cum it's way more explosive. Good for you and the other half.
So do you now feel more sexual pleasure and more intense orgasms than before ?
You do lose a bit of sensation but, of course, the pleasure lasts longer so overall it's a big gain. Definitely more intense orgasms as you have to work harder and longer for them. Another bonus is the feel of the constantly exposed head rubbing against your clothes, I'm permanently horny now.
So I have been cut my whole life but I have never had to worry about skin tears and I have been pretty rough on him 😉

Explain lm interested in this topic I got circumcised back in 2020
I have been cut for 40 years now. And in my experience I have never worried or thought about tearing skin. I have a pretty high sex drive so I frequently masturbate and at times have been pretty rough on it. And I've yet to tear skin.
Yeah mine is partial circumcision with no frenulum and am enjoying a lot doing rough sex as there is no frenulum to worry about for any tear on it. Also there is no enough foreskin to cover my glans it remains open all the time you can call it full circumcision but it looks partial type with little foreskin to cover.
And also my timing is increased too with the cut.
What made you choose partial ? Is this just the same as a low cut ?
I find it a lot better, no deer or doing any damage just crack on with it and enjoy!
I feel way more confident, it’s going on 5 months and still being cautious had a little tear in the side of shaft but I can’t go 7:30 (beast mode) when having sex yet. Maybe 3 more months. But definitely way more explosive , definitely last longer ,
After 40 years of having foreskin, and now going on 1 year of completely exposed penis head and frenulum I’m loving it so much! For me it’s a much more erotic/intense rush/pleasure when i masturbate now, i pay so much more attention to my frenulum since it’s so sensitive and receptive to touch when I’m stroking my boy. I focus so much more on just the head area now too oh man its so much better now just stroking alone and then exploding without having to pull the skin back! For me is bliss! And when you have sex and you enter a woman with your penis completely exposed it’s unexplainable 🔥 Ladies love it too 🙂 (but definitely wait if you just had it cut, i waited about 5 months before stroking or sex, yup that long! But it paid off)
So first time you got it very loose with frenulum removed ? What were you not happy with ?
For sure ! That thing is solid Granted u will have to use lube for masturbation after Circumcision but sex he is out there and loving every in and out not to mention ladies won’t hesitate to go down when they see it out and proud as for with the skin on they have the right not to venture because there are not many out there like that and they not sure what to do with it
But keep in mind recovery from Circumcision is a bit painful, uncomfortable, sensitive because of the head is been sheltered by the silky skin and is going to remain sensitive fur a few months but human body is remarkable and creates a thicker skin on the head wich will make u climax slower Hans more time to please your lady friend and no more premature ending
Hope that helps
Why did you get a very loose cut if you always wanted very tight ?
Who did it was it done free on health service ? Did they not discuss styles beforehand just do it without asking ?
Also was in mainly the look you were unhappy with ? Or did it not function and feel good ?
Is still sensitive as it would be with the skin pulled backI guess that’s the only use for the foreskin to masturbate
I see no other reasons for it but hey that’s my opinion on it
Hope that helps
No sure what you mean by only use for it ??? Like to stop that sensitive to touch feeling ? You have removed yours yes ?
The head makes a new thicker skin without the turtle neck which makes it less sensitive and boxer briefs undies keep it somewhat in place so not much shafing going on
How was it way too loose mate just not look good or was it not feeling good or functioning good ? Did you get it redone once to a tight cut ???
Pull up with shaft skin covering glans ? No sure what you mean ?
are you planing on getting it done ? if yes hit me up I will tell you something might save you from getting it done shitty way
For me I'd say it's different but not necessarily better. I had such severe balanitis pre-op that sex was really painful, but I never had problems with tearing etc. Occasionally would get some chafing/cracking on my foreskin, but that was usually from masturbation rather than sex.Post op I can definitely go at it more freely but I've got much less sensation so I find it much harder to come, to the point that it rarely happens. Masturbation is a 30 minute job no matter what the stimulation. Fine if you've got the energy and your partner's up for it but sometimes I really miss a quickie. I mean pre-op I could make myself come in 30 seconds if I wanted to, that's not an option now.