hi, I’m beginning to get worried got the chop 4 days ago,and I’m seeing yellow discharge and dried blood out of wound at stiches, also had 4 night time erections, I am trying to clean as best, but then the yellow stuff creeps out again, one of stiches has dried blood and moves i see red underneath, I’m still swollen with a light pain, penis is horrible to look at, does it get better guys , surley it has to heal eventually, I no it only 4 days since surgery about im afraid it could get infected, I’m 39 years old
got the cut 4 days ago : hi, I’m... - Men's Health Foru...
got the cut 4 days ago

The start of recovery is always the worst.
Don’t worry about night time erections, painful but completely normal. They will ease after a few days.
My stitches were also yellow and it’s just the wound naturally healing itself. It gets better with time.
I’m 5 1/2 weeks and mostly back to normal, just waiting for the scar to settle. Just try and not worry to much and keep it as clean as you can. Time will fly and it will start to look better everyday
thanks for you reply mate, it just lucks horrible to look at, I’m trying my best to clean it, bit on each side, there is dry hard blood, around a stitch that i wont even touch as it’s stuck to a stich, plus a few pubs ok course as well , day 6 now and it’s still red as ever, I’m near sure the surgeon said to me after surgery about some scar tissue bleeding but he sorted it, also I’m still sleeping naked at night , also when u shower do you let the water just run down from your chest on to wound
About the water, yes I let soapy water run from chest. Mine was so swollen that I could not even see the stitches, so I could not even wash the wound directly. But I didn't get any infections.
thanks mate, i can see my stitches, just feels like it’s gonna explode with the pressure of shaft on penis, when u mean soapy water, do you let the water run of the bar of soap on the penis .
4 days after the operation i was very swollen, it started to reduce a little around day 10. now i am 40 days after the operation and still swollen, although much less.
i keep a big plastic jug in the shower, fill it with shower-temperature water and move the soap bar in it for a few secs, just to make the water soapy. then i gently pour.
Exactly what Geirdie said. It takes time. Keep an eye on the discharge, and if you are worried contact the Doctor.
Those night time erections are awful, but they will ease once the stitches start to come away.
Did the Surgeon say anything about bathing it in salt and water?
thanks for reply mate, I’m on antibiotics at minute , but trying to clean is hard due to the dried blood and yellow stuff stuck to penis area, I’m averageing 4 erections a night, man they make me so anxious it’s unbearable, just be shown how to clean with sterile wipes, can’t even put Vaseline on to sensitive, man that salt water would be a killer, also I feel a lot of pressure and swollen on my shaft as if it’s gonna explode it’s that due to the stiches in place , my shaft has a lot of red, yellow and bruised and guessing that’s normal after surgery
yeah, my shaft was black was black and blue! Took a while for the bruising to go down.
I get it when your saying pressure but that’s normal as the wound is inflamed and swollen.
Try your best to keep your dick pointing upwards towards your stomach, it will help with the swelling. I suggest getting boxer briefs if you don’t have already.
Try sleeping on your side with your knees tucked up high, will help with erections
Hope this is helpful!
I’m actually quite hairy down below it’s annoying when your penis gets caught on hairs, but I’m sure that’s ok, as for keeping up towards your stomach find it hard to settle as it keeps fallen down , and as for sleeping I’m on comfortable when sleeping on back never have slept on my side ever
try a tight fitting boxer brief instead of loose boxers. I tend to prefer them now anyways since the operation.
I guess sleep however you’re comfortable and try to use the toilet just before you go to bed. Pulling your knees up to your chest can help the erection go away if you get a persistent one! Plus it eases the tension on the stitches
thanks mate for your help it’s useful I’m guessing you put a gauze with Vaseline on it before you put in pants, also in the washing department what did you use or do as I don’t think I can do the salt water just yet.
relax it gets better. I had to have 3 more stiches 4 days later. Even up to 2 weeks I had slight open wounds. 3 weeks in still huge swelling, then boom all good. I used steroid creams at 3 weeks then it settled immediately
2 useful tips in early recovery:
sleep in the fetal position (legs under chin) and it takes all the pressure off the wound area.
Wrap frozen packet of peas in a clean, dry t shirt and apply to zap any unwanted nocturnal hard-ons. An ice pack is very soothing.
thanks mate day 9 now, my erections were never painful just annoying as everytime u had one it feels like wound is opening and closing, as for the sleeping unfortunately i only sleep on my back as I have never found on my side to be comfortable, any ideas of anti flammatrys cream etc just wanna get swellen down , I no i have to be patient, time is a healer
Its still very early on but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an infection starting. I was told that if it was exceptionally painful to touch or there was a smell or smelly discharge, that could point to infection, the yellow fluid could be lymphatic fluid . The erections are a problem in the first 2 to 3 weeks. It should just feel sore as if it’s a normal cut healing but not painful , when it came to washing after four days , I just let the water from the shower run over it .
thanks mate,on day 9 went to hospital yesterday to get checked out , front four stitches were pushing away, think I’m gonna have a bigger scar line, don’t care about that , just want to heal, it’s said it’s not infected, but try and make sure you get on top of the dried blood , which I’m trying , I still very swollen shaft and penis head, have u any ideas of anti flammatry creams, just wanna get the swollen down, still sleeping naked lol, I no time is a healer, there is still bits of yellow stuff but not as much as the first 7 days.
Some on here have used Clorophemicol which is an anitibiotic for eyes but it’s recommended by some doctors to put on the sutures to prevent infection, some have used petroleum jelly round the sutures ( I did after a week to soften the sutures/scar line) but in all honesty the swelling on the shaft will go down in time , I wouldn’t use any anti inflammatory cream , it takes months for it to heal properly, more so when your an adult. The dried blood will eventually just come away , one of my stitches did push through after a couple of weeks but hasn’t made any difference to the scar line from what I can see
have a wound expection tomorrow, went private, didn’t go down nhs route , does not help when the surgeon has left the country for 6 weeks, honestly just feels like nothing improving at all , two sides and back have got dried blood don’t really wanna touch that in case it just bleeds really heavy then back to square on, just trying to have patience, but I bet the nurse/doctor tomorrow says u need to get that all off, I do wipe my private with lukewarm water and dab off, I’m still trying to balance it upright for days now while I’m sitting or standing, it’s a battle and a half, when the stiches come out does it fell less tense like less pressure on the penis ,all wounds heal just need to be patience
yes it feels a lot better once it’s healed properly
hey man how long it took for your sensitivity in the glance to go down ?
Yes mate all good took a few months , everyone is different , best decision I’ve done in my life , looking back I reckon I was worrying about nothing 👍☘️